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Welcome to BOM Analyzer

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Import your BOM file
  1. Navigate to BOM Management
  2. Drag & Drop your BOM (Excel file) into the BOM Management area or click on "Upload BOM" to upload your BOM
  3. Map the columns of your BOM file so that the tool can understand the semantics. The tool will display different columns one by one, and you can select the column where the information is located in your BOM.
    Depending on your column headers' naming, this may be detected automatically for:
    • Manufacturer
    • Part Number
    • Quantity
    • Internal Part Number (optional)
    • Name (optional)
    • Description (optional)
    • Designator (optional)

Note: If something goes wrong, you can remap the columns at any time from the BOM Preferences by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner.

Import your BOM file
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Explore the BOM View
  1. Access a comprehensive view of your BOM.
  2. Altium 365 automatically adds valuable information such as:
    • Part Descriptions
    • Manufacturer Lifecycle
    • RoHS Compliance
    •  REACH Compliance 
    • Preferred Supplier
    • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
    • Prices
    • Component Health Check
    • Parameters
    • Alternates
    • Datasheets


Explore BOM View
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Define your Supply Chain
  1. Set up Favorite Suppliers to be used in BOM
    Setting up favorite suppliers ensures that you work with suppliers you trust and are familiar with, minimizing the risk of obtaining counterfeit or low-quality components.
    • Click on 3 dots in top right corner
    • Enable “Manage Order List”
    • Select your favorite Suppliers (e.g. Digi-Key & Mouser)
    • Click Ok
  2. Order List - set up order list automatically
    With “Apply Preset…” you can easily select your favorite supplier or go for “lowest price”.
    • In the BOM “General” view click on “Apply Preset…”
    • Select how you want to order your list, by either
      • Lowest Price
      • All by <Supplier Name>
  3. Set up Order list manually
    Even with a selected preset for your order list, you can change it on a component by component basis.
    • In the table, go to column “Order List”
    • Click 2 times on the line item where you want to change the supplier
    • Click on your favorite solution
      The data will be then updated.
Define Supply Chain
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Resolving BOM Issues
  1. BOM Analyzer tool provides various checks that can be resolved:
    • Unknown Part Numbers
    • Risky Manufacturer Lifecycles
    • Missing Designators
    • Duplicated Designators
    • REACH / RoHS Compliance
  2. Resolve issues directly from the BOM overview or from the "Issues" tab in the top-left corner (only shown if there are issues in your BOM).
    • Example 1: Risky Life
      • Click twice on the Part Number field of the component with Risky Lifecycle
      • Select “Try Advanced Search”
      • Select “Alternates” as Search Mode
      • Select an alternative component of your choice
      • Click on “Use” next to the Manufacturer Part Name
    • Example 2: Missing Part Number
      • Click twice on the Part Number field of the component with the missing Part Number
      • Select “Try Advanced Search”
      • Filters will be already added based on the component description
      • Select a component which fits your needs
      • Click on “Use” next to the Manufacturer Part Name

From the Issues section, you can:

  1. Correct missing or unknown Part Numbers.
  2. Search for alternate parts if the Manufacturer Lifecycle has a risky state.
  3. Correct duplicate Designators by overwriting them.
  4. Check for RoHS and REACH Compliance issues.
BOM Checks
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Add information to your BOM

Add new rows to include new parts in your BOM or new columns/parameters (e.g., a comment field).

  1. Click the icons above the table to add a row or column.
  2. Move the added row or column via drag and drop to the desired position.
  3. Enter the data. E.g. for a new row/component, start typing in the Part Number field to receive suggestions.
Adding Information
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