Data Management - Version Control

This document is no longer available beyond version 21. Information can now be found here: Data Management - Version Control Preferences for version 24


The Data Management - Version Control page of the Preferences dialog
The Data Management - Version Control page of the Preferences dialog


The Data Management – Version Control page of the Preferences dialog allows you to set up version control options. SVN - Subversion is built-in and is, therefore, installed by default. This extension delivers the implementation of version control functionality through the use of SharpSVN. This implementation has full support for Unicode (multi-byte) characters in file names. As an example, this allows you to add files to your SVN VCS repository that include Russian characters in their names.


The Data Management – Version Control page is part of the main Preferences dialog that is accessed by clicking the  control in the upper-right corner of the design space then selecting the Version Control entry under the Data Management folder.


  • Provider - lists the version control providers available.
  • Enabled - check to enable SVN - Subversion to enable the default provider.
  • Choose the SVN Version format for your local working copy when checking out new projects from all design repositories - select the desired SVN version working copy format. 
If a format other than 1.9 is selected, the working copy format should be used for checkout of new projects only. For example, if you already have a project using the 1.9 version and the 1.7 version is selected, you might encounter problems with your working copy.


The features available depend on your level of Altium Designer Software Subscription.
