Applied Parameters: ContextSensitive=True|Action=EditComponentSupplierLinks
This command is used to access the Supplier Links for dialog, which provides controls to add or remove supplier links for the schematic component currently under the cursor. A Supplier Link provides the live link between an Altium Designer component and a real-world manufactured item in a supplier's database of electronic components.
This command is accessed from the Schematic Editor by right-clicking over a placed component then choosing the Supplier Links command from the context menu.
First, ensure that the cursor is positioned over the component for which you want to manage the supplier links in the main design workspace.
After launching the command, the Supplier Links for dialog will open. The dialog lists all of the currently defined links for the component. If multiple manufacturer parts are available - meaning there are multiple solutions - the solutions are automatically ranked from highest to lowest, based on the part's availability, price and manufacturer lifecycle state. The Manufacturer Part is shown on the left with the selected available supplier detailed on the right.
To add an additional Supplier Link, click the Add button. The Add Supplier Links dialog will open from where you can search for and add a link to the required item.
To delete a Supplier Link for the component, select its entry, then click the
- Many suppliers offer discounts for bulk orders. Click the Show more link to view different unit prices based on the quantity ordered from the supplier. (You can then click the Show less link to collapse the bulk quantity price list.)