New Part Request
The New Part Request dialog
The New Part Request dialog is used to send a request to a member of a librarian-nominated role for one or more parts to be created using the legacy Part Requests feature. You can supply as much key information as possible to support your request (manufacturer and part number(s), description(s), any relevant datasheet (PDF or URL), etc.).
The dialog is accessed from the Folders tab of the Explorer panel, when the Part requests folder is selected, or from the panel's Search tab by clicking the Submit Request button then choosing New Request from the available selections in the drop-down menu.
The dialog is accessed from the Folders tab of the Explorer panel, when the Part requests folder is selected, or from the panel's Search tab by clicking the Submit Request button then choosing New Request (Legacy) from the available selections in the drop-down menu.
- Manufacturer – this is a mandatory field to indicate to the librarian who actually makes the part.
Manufacturer Part Numbers – this is a mandatory field indicating to the librarian the specific part number(s) of the parts you need them to make. Multiple part numbers must be separated by a comma (,).
- Description – this field can be used to give a rich description of the part (typically taken from the manufacturer datasheet).
- Request Id – an ID is automatically generated with, and assigned to, the request, enabling users to easily track the request's progress.
- Required To Date – use this field to specify the date by which you need the component(s) to be ready. Either type the date directly (in the format
) or click thebutton to the right to access a pop-up calendar window, with which to specify the required date.
- State – this read-only field is used to specify the status of the request. The default state for a new request is
. -
Assignee – this field shows which librarian is currently working on the request. The drop-down field lists all Workspace members who are part of the nominated Librarian role(s), the latter of which is nominated through the relevant admin page of the Workspace's browser interface.
- Component Type – this field can be used to specify the type of component being requested. The drop-down list will include all types currently defined on the Data Management – Component Types page of the Preferences dialog.
Attachments – this area can be used to attach any useful files related to the requested part. For example a PDF datasheet, an image, or a document. Click the
button to locate the file(s) through a standard dialog.
- Part List – use this area to specify any existing component(s) in the Workspace, which you have created as temporary stub components. Click the
button and browse for the required component accordingly. The librarian can then run with this to fulfil the request. If no stub part exists, the librarian will simply create a new component in the Workspace, along with requisite domain models (if they do not already exist).
- Parameters – this area can be used to add a set of specific parameters required for the part(s). Click the
button and use the subsequent fields to provide a name and value for the parameter. If no parameters are specified, the librarian will likely fall back to addition of the parameters in a related datasheet for that part, in accordance with organizational policy.