You’re an expert in telecommunication technology, and that means you’re always pushing the boundaries, from high speed interfaces such as 100GbE and PCI Express, to microwave and RF designs. What tools can help you get the job done? How can you keep up on the latest in communication technology while still bringing your product to market on time?

Overcoming Complex and High Speed Design Challenges

High speed communication devices are some of the most difficult to design. And if you’re creating mobile devices, that means you’re adding another layer of design complexity by shrinking boards to increasingly smaller sizes. High speed protocols like 100GbE, PCI Express, VPX, SONET and SDH all require intense planning and post-design analysis for speed, BER and signal integrity. How can you manage all of these characteristics while still providing the redundancy typically needed in communication devices?

Editing Tools That Help You Tackle the Latest Technology
Don’t get left behind in the world of communication technology

Planning for Signal, Layout, Power and Thermal Management

Post-design analysis is almost as important as the planning stages before the design process starts. Communication devices can be expensive to fabricate, so saving even a single prototyping spin through post-design analysis can be a huge plus to your product’s budget and lifecycle. And this isn’t just a simple visual check either; this means analyzing your board’s mechanical form and fit, signal topology, power distribution and thermal regulation before going to prototype. What kinds of tools can you use to do thorough analysis?

Native 3D PCB Editing and MCAD Integration for Analysis
Analyze your design in all phases

Getting Your Product to Market on Time

Having the latest and greatest in communication devices doesn’t mean much if you can’t bring your product to market on time. And by the time you get there, you’re likely using outdated high speed interfaces and protocols anyways. If you’re pushing the boundaries of communication technology, it’s crucial that you ride the crest of that wave and don’t get left behind. How can you ensure that your design practices are streamlined and efficient?

Tools for Total Verification and High Productivity
Make sure your design functions correctly and gets to market on time