Applied Parameters: CommandMode=CAM
This command is used to place circle objects onto the current document. The circle is drawn using a center point and a numerically defined radius.
This command is accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by choosing the Place » Circle » Center, Radius command from the main menus.
After launching the command, you will enter circle placement mode. Placement is made by performing the following sequence of actions:
- Position the cursor at the required position and click to define the center point for the circle.
- The Enter Value dialog will appear, prompting you to enter a value for the radius. After specifying the radius required, click OK to complete placement of the circle.
- Continue placing further circles or right-click, or press Esc, to exit circle placement mode.
- The radius entered will use the current units for the workspace - either inches or millimeters. Units can be changed either from the CAMtastic panel, or from the CAM Editor - Drawing Modes page of the Preferences dialog.
- Circles will be drawn using the current DCode. Set the required DCode in the DCode field on the CAMtastic panel.
- Circles will be drawn on the current layer. The current layer is displayed on the CAMtastic panel at the top of the layers list. Double-clicking on any layer in the layers list will cause it to become the current layer.