Applied Parameters: CommandMode=CAM
This command is used to place polyline objects onto the current document. Polylines are useful if you need to close the line or insert arcs as part of the line, both of which cannot be achieved using standard lines.
This command can be accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by:
- Choosing the Place » Polyline command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button, on the Placement Tools drop-down (
) of the Utilities toolbar.
After launching the command, you will enter polyline placement mode. Placement is made by performing the following sequence of actions:
- Position the cursor at the required location in the workspace and click to anchor the start of the polyline.
- Move the cursor and click again to place the next vertex point in the polyline.
- Continue placing further vertices, clicking each time, until the desired shape for the polyline has been achieved.
Right-click to pop-up a menu offering a variety of commands that can be applied while in polyline placement mode. The following commands are available from the menu:
End - ends placement of this specific polyline without closing it.
Close - closes the line by drawing a line from the last point placed to the starting point and ends placement of this specific polyline.
Change to Line - changes placement mode to straight lines.
Change to Arc - changes placement mode to arcs.
Draw Arc Clockwise - draws arc from previous vertex in clockwise direction.
Draw Arc C-Clockwise - draws arc from previous vertex in counter-clockwise direction.
Undo Polyline Changes - deletes the current polyline, remaining in polyline placement mode.
Snap Change - enables/disables the snap mode during polyline placement.
Cancel Action - deletes the current polyline and exits polyline placement mode.
If ending or closing the polyline, or if undoing changes, you will remain in placement mode. Continue placing further polyline objects, or press Esc to exit polyline placement mode. Alternatively, right-click and select Cancel Action from the pop-up menu.
- A polyline must have at least two distinct vertices before it can be ended.
- A polyline must have at least three distinct vertices before it can be closed.
- A polyline is considered a single object for selection and editing purposes, unless exploded into its constituent line segments.
- The individual segments of a standard line can be joined to create a polyline object.
- Polylines will be drawn using the current DCode. Set the required DCode in the DCode field on the CAMtastic panel.
- Polylines will be drawn on the current layer. The current layer is displayed on the CAMtastic panel at the top of the layers list. Double-clicking on any layer in the layers list will cause it to become the current layer.
- You can change the current DCode and/or current layer - via the CAMtastic panel - whilst placing the polyline. The change will affect the whole polyline.