Applied Parameters: CommandMode=CAM
This command is used to create a new custom aperture from one or more selected draw objects in the current document.
This command is accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by choosing the Edit » Groups » Draw to Custom Aperture command from the main menus.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will enter custom aperture creation mode. The procedure involves the following sequence of actions:
- Click on the draw objects to be included in the conversion, making them selected.
- When all draw objects have been selected as required, right-click. The Enter Value dialog will appear, from where you can enter a name for the custom aperture.
- After defining the name and clicking OK, the selected draw objects will be removed from the document and the resulting new custom aperture will be added to the Edit Apertures dialog (Tables » Apertures). The aperture will be assigned the next available (empty) Dcode, its shape will be set to Custom, and the name you specified for it will appear in the Parameters field.
- Continue converting other selected objects into custom apertures, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
- The new custom aperture will become the current Dcode, as viewed on the CAMtastic panel.
- The objects that were selected, and that make up the custom aperture, are visible in the preview window when the entry for the aperture is selected in the Edit Apertures dialog.
- The XY extents of the aperture can be changed in the Edit Apertures dialog as required. By default, they represent the extents of a bounding shape around the constituent objects that were originally selected, and it is this bounding shape that floats on the cursor when you place objects using the associated Dcode for the aperture.