Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to toggle translucent display mode ON or OFF. This mode displays objects in the current document with a transparent effect, allowing you to see objects partially or entirely overlapped by other objects.
This command can be accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by:
- Choosing the View » Views » Translucent command from the main menus.
- Clicking the
button, on the Miscellaneous Tools drop-down (
) of the Utilities toolbar.
- Using the Shift+T keyboard shortcut.
After launching the command, the current document will either be displayed in translucent or standard mode, depending on the current display status.
- The translucent view mode, while powerful and useful, can also be a hazard. Stacked objects are sometimes displayed in white - a color seen only in object selections. This can be confusing when making selections, as some overlapping objects may appear to be selected when they are not.
- The editing redraw speed is also somewhat slower when translucent mode is enabled.