Applied Parameters: ObjectKind=FocusedCategory|Action=Enable
This command is used to quickly enable all outputs in the focused category, connecting them to the currently selected output container, or print job, in the active Output Job Configuration file.
With the required output container/print job selected, this command is accessed from the OutputJob Editor by right-clicking on an output (in the required category of outputs) and choosing the Enable All command, from the context menu.
First, ensure that the output container/print job, that you want to enable outputs for, is selected in the Output Containers region, or Hard Copy region of the main job configuration window, respectively.
After launching the command, all outputs in that category, that can be generated by that container/print job, will be enabled, and linked to that container/print job. Each newly enabled output for that container/print job will be assigned the next available number in the output generation sequence. Assignment is from the top down, with the sequence number appearing at the center of the Enabled field - which changes from unfilled to green-filled. In addition, a green arrow connects an enabled output to the output container/print job, signifying that it is ready to be generated, when the container/print job is run.
- Since the output generation sequence is assigned by the order of the outputs, it can be a good idea to sort that order first. This can be achieved quickly and efficently by clicking on an output, and dragging it to a new location within its category.
- Individual outputs can be enabled simply by clicking on their associated Enabled field.
- Double-click on the Enabled field for an output to bring up a control by which to change its assigned position in the output generation sequence.
- When the target for an applicable print-based output is changed from a PDF output container to a physical printer (print job), it is quite possible that the paper size defined for the generator - through the relevant properties dialog (right-click, Page Setup) - may not be supported by the target medium. In this case, the connecting arrow from generator to medium is colored red when the output is enabled. You will be prevented from generating content (PDF output container), or previewing/printing (print job) in this state. You can either change the paper size for the output generator, and thus return the connecting arrow to a green state, before the applicable output can be successfully generated. Or, simply change the target medium to one that does support your chosen paper size. Where a paper size mismatch exists, and you opt to change the paper size for the configured output, using the Page Setup command for the output will bring up an information dialog. This alerts you to the issue, and notifies you that the paper sizing has been restored to its default. What this means is that the paper size drop-down in the configurator dialog is loaded afresh with the standard set of supported paper sizes (PDF output container), or the set of paper sizes supported by the target printer (print job).