Applied Parameters: Action=SelectedPrims
This command is used to start the ActiveRoute process on the selected connections, which will then be routed on the layers enabled, and in accordance with additional options defined on the PCB ActiveRoute panel. ActiveRoute is a guided interactive router which focuses on clean, high-quality routing of a set of selected nets.
For detailed, high-level information about this powerful routing tool, see
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor accessed in the following ways:
- Choose the Route » ActiveRoute command from the main menus.
- Use the Shift+A keyboard shortcut.
- Locate and use the ActiveRoute command (
) on the Active Bar.
If the command has been recently used from the Active Bar, it will become the active/visible button. When other commands are available, it is indicated by a triangle at the bottom-right corner of the button. Click and hold on the active button to access a menu of all associated commands for that grouping.
- Click the
button on the Wiring toolbar.
- Click the Route Selected button at the top of the PCB ActiveRoute panel.
Before launching the command:
- Select the connection(s) to be routed.
- In the PCB ActiveRoute panel, choose the layer(s) on which the selected connections are to be routed. These are the layers available to ActiveRoute - it will decide which nets to route on each layer.
After launching the command, ActiveRoute will attempt to route the currently selected connections, sharing the routes across the layers enabled on the PCB ActiveRoute panel. Routing will also obey additional options defined through the panel. The routing progress is displayed in the Messages panel. Once ActiveRouting is complete, the Gloss command is automatically run. To examine the routes as they were at the completion of ActiveRouting, press Ctrl+Z once to undo the glossing.
- The most common reason for ActiveRoute to fail is not enough room for the track(s) to fit - it is important to make sure the width and clearance rules are correctly configured.
- ActiveRoute works on selected connections. Connections can be selected directly, or by selecting a route object, such as a pin, track, via or component.
- Selected nets are routed at the Preferred width defined in the applicable Routing Width design rule. There is one exception to this, if the selected object is a dangling track stub, then that width is used.
- For more detail on preparing your design in readiness to ActiveRoute, see Setting up to ActiveRoute.