Applied Parameters: Part=MBA
This command is used to insert another existing Multi-board Assembly into the active Multi-board Assembly document (*.MbaDoc).
This command is accessed from the Multi-board Assembly Editor by choosing the Design » Insert MBA Part command from the main menus.
After launching the command, the Insert Part From Other MBA dialog will appear (a standard Windows file open type dialog). Use the dialog to browse to, and open, the required additional Multi-board Assembly file (*.MbaDoc). The chosen assembly will be effectively imported into the active Multi-board Assembly document, with its constituent parts presented in the workspace, and also reflected in the Multiboard Assembly panel.
The inserted assembly is
not added to the Multi-board Design project (
*.PrjMbd), and is therefore not apparent in the
Projects panel.
- An existing assembly can also be inserted from the Multiboard Assembly panel, by clicking the
- An existing assembly can also be inserted by dragging the required MbaDoc file directly from Windows Explorer, onto the active Multi-board Assembly workspace.