Room containing No Net - Locked Objects

Now reading version 3.2. For the latest, read: Room containing No Net - Locked Objects for version 5

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The Room containing No Net / Locked Objects dialog
The Room containing No Net / Locked Objects dialog


The Room containing No Net / Locked Objects dialog allows you to confirm which objects attached to a room to move when moving a room.


This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:

  • From the main menus, select Design » Rooms » Move Room then click on a room.
  • Right-click on a room in the workspace then select Room Actions » Move Room from the context menu.
For this dialog to appear, the Ask when moving rooms containing No Net/Locked Objects option must be enabled on the PCB Editor - General page of the Preferences dialog.


  • No Net Objects - enable to move objects with no nets with the room.
  • Locked Objects - enable to move locked objects with the room.
  • Don't ask me about moving room's locked/no net objects until next PCB session (use currently selected settings) - enable this option to save the selected settings and continue using them for the rest of your PCB session. The dialog will not open again unless a new session is started.
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