Project Options - Parameters
This document is no longer available beyond version 4. Information can now be found here: Project Options - Parameters for version 5
The Parameter tab of the Project Options dialog.
This tab of the Project Options dialog enables you to manage parameters defined for the project, often referred to as project-level parameters. Parameters defined at the project level are available for use across all schematic sheets and PCB documents in the project through the use of special strings: =<ProjectParameterName> on a schematic (e.g., =Project) and .<ProjectParameterName> on a PCB (e.g., .Project). Parameters can be used to provide additional design information. Project-level parameters, for example, can be used in global fashion as the source for special string parametric data to be added to schematic sheets and/or the PCB document – the latter of which does not support localized parameters.
Server-side project parameters are saved in the Workspace with the project and can only be edited within the Workspace. By contrast, design-side project parameters are saved in the project file (*.PrjPcb
), and can be edited in Altium NEXUS. Server-side project parameters appear in the Parameter tab of the Project Options dialog with a blue icon (), while design-side project parameters appear with an orange icon (
This is one of multiple tabs available when configuring the options for a project – accessed from within the Project Options dialog. This dialog is accessed by:
- From the PCB or schematic editor click Project » Project Options.
- Right-click on the project name on the Projects panel then click Project Options from the context menu.
- Parameters Grid – the main region lists all of the parameters currently defined for the project, in terms of:
- Name – the name of the parameter.
- Value – the value of the parameter.
- Add – click to open the Parameter Properties dialog, where you may add a parameter and specify the properties of a parameter when attached at the project or variant level.
- Remove – click to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list of parameters. This option is unavailable for server-side project parameters due to the fact that they may only be removed or edited in the Workspace.
- Edit – click to open the Parameter Properties dialog, where you may modify the contents of the currently selected parameter. This option is unavailable for server-side project parameters due to the fact that they may only be removed or edited in the Workspace.
- Refresh – click to revert the last changes made to the design-side project parameter. For server-side project parameters, click to ensure you contain the latest version of the parameter. Changes made to server-side project parameters within the Workspace will not be reflected in this dialog until this option is used.
Right-Click Menu
The following commands are available on the right-click menu:
- Edit – use to modify the currently selected parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Add – use to add a new parameter to the list in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Remove – use to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list.
- Copy – use to copy the selected parameter(s) to the Windows clipboard.
- Paste – use to paste parameter(s) on the Windows clipboard into the parameters list.
Additional Option
- Set To Installation Defaults – click to set all options to the installation defaults.