WorkspaceManager_Dlg-EditProjectVariantFormEdit Project Variant_AD
Created: 九月 27, 2017 | Updated: 三月 06, 2024
| Applies to versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
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The Edit Project Variant dialog
The Edit Project Variant dialog allows you to edit the properties of a variant.
The dialog is accessed by clicking Edit Variant button in the Variant Management dialog after selecting an available variant.
- Description – enter an appropriate description of the Variant, which will be used as an identifying label.
- Allow variation of fabrication outputs – check this box to allow variations of fabrication outputs (as well as assembly variation outputs).
- Parameters – this region is a list of variant parameters (name and value). Parameters are added and edited via the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Add – click to open the Parameter Properties dialog to add a parameter for the variant.
- Remove – click to delete the selected parameter(s).
- Edit – click to open the Parameter Properties dialog to edit a selected parameter.