Created: July 28, 2015 | Updated: June 19, 2017
| Applies to version: 15.1
Now reading version 17.0. For the latest, read: Licensing for version 15.1
The Licensing dialog
The Licensing dialog allows users to activate, add, configure, and/or save private licenses.
To access the Licensing dialog, install the Altium Private License Server then start and set up Security Service.
- Primary Server - choose this option if you wish to use the primary network license server as the license manager. Click the Setup button to configure the primary network server.
- Secondary Server - choose this option if you wish to use the secondary network license server as the license manager or if the primary network license server is offline. Click the Setup button to configure the secondary network server.
- Setup - click this button to set up the primary or secondary server. (Typically, the Primary Server is set up and configured first.) Clicking this button opens the Primary Server Setup or Secondary Server Setup dialog, depending on which server you chose.
License Usage
- Products - This section lists the licenses in use. For each valid license, the following information is displayed:
- Product Name - the name of the Altium product (i.e., Altium Designer).
- Activation Code -the activation code of the listed license.
- Serial Number - the serial number of the listed license.
- User Count - the number of active users / total number of "seats" for the listed license in the format.
- Expiry Date - the expiration date of the listed license.
- Status - the current state of the listed license. The status must display OK to use the listed license. The entry can include:
- OK - license is in-date and ready to use.
- Expired – license expiration date has been reached.
- No Seats Left – license is still valid but all seats are currently being used.
- Version - the version of the listed license.
- Subscription Status - the status of the subscription related to the listed license. For example, an Altium Designer Summer 09 release Private Server License will display as S09.
Additional Controls
- Activate - the first step in configuring the server is to activate your Private Server License. Activation requires that you be signed in to your Altium account through the secure Altium portal. The Account Sign In dialog will appear where your will enter your Altium credentials.
- Add Licenses - use to browse for and select a license to add to the Private License Server.
- Delete License - use to delete the selected license.
- Save License Files - use to open the Browse For Folder dialog to save your license file in a specific location.
- Configure - use to open the Security dialog to configure the selected private license with regard to its usage, i.e., which users, or defined groups of users, can access and use the license. The Configure button will become available once a valid Private Server License file has been added to the server.
- Refresh - use to refresh the License Usage region.
- Logging - click to open the Log Settings dialog to create a detaqiled license activity log. Log files are created on a weekly basis and you can specify the period of time over which to keep the generated log files.
- Account Preferences - click to open the Altium Portal Preferences dialog to specify which server to use when accessing your account.
- Discovery Service - click to open the Discovery Service dialog to enter the address for the ServiceDiscovery server, which will detect the environment configurations of your organization.