Model Manager

Now reading version 1.1. For the latest, read: Model Manager for version 5

Nexus message

This documentation page references Altium NEXUS/NEXUS Client (part of the deployed NEXUS solution), which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.

The Model Manager dialog
The Model Manager dialog


The Model Manager dialog provides controls to add, remove or edit models for schematic symbols. 

For more information about models, click here.


The dialog is accessed from the schematic library editor in the following ways:

  • Click Tools » Model Manager from the main menus.
  • Right-click on a component in the SCH Library panel then select Model Manager from the context menu.


The left region displays all existing components in the current schematic library; the right region displays related PCB models and preview.

  • Mask - type a component name in this field to filter the contents. Use "*" as a wildcard character.
  • Component list - lists all existing components in the current schematic library and their description.
  • Model list - lists all models related to the selected component. The right-click menu of this region includes commands to Add, Copy, Paste, Remove, or Edit a model.
  • Add - click to access a drop-down button to choose from the model options listed below. For each option, an associated dialog will open to allow you to customize (if necessary) and add the desired model.
    • Footprint - physical layout that is required on the printed circuit board in order to mount a component or physical attachment.
    • PCB3D - add a 3D model to the component. 
    • Simulation - add a spice model to the component if you want to run a circuit simulation.
    • Ibis Model - add an Ibis model to enhance the modeling of IC pins while performing Signal Integrity analyses.
    • Signal Integrity - add a Signal Integrity model to configure and control signal integrity analyses.
  • Remove - click to remove a selected footprint(s).
  • Edit - click to open the PCB Model dialog in which you can edit an existing model.
  • Preview image - displays an image of the selected model. Click 2D/3D to toggle between the 2D and 3D preview.
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