Port Properties
Parent page: Sch Dialogs
This dialog provides controls to specify the properties of a Port object. A port is an electrical design primitive that is used to make an electrical connection between one schematic sheet and another in a design using multiple sheets. The name of the port defines the connection (i.e. a port on a schematic sheet connects to ports with the same name on other sheets in the project).
The Port Properties dialog can be accessed during placement by pressing the Tab key.
After placement, the dialog can be accessed in one of the following ways:
- Double-click on the placed port object.
- Place the cursor over the port object, right-click then choose Properties from the context menu.
Graphical Tab
Port Properties dialog - Graphical tab
Use the dialog's Graphical tab to modify graphical properties of the port object.
- Height - the height of the port. Use this field to manually increase or decrease the port's height. If the Autosize option is enabled, this field will automatically adjust to accommodate changes in font size of the port's Name text.
- Width - the width of the port. Use this field to manually increase or decrease the port's width. If the Autosize option is enabled, this field will automatically adjust to accommodate changes in length of the port's Name text.
- Alignment - specifies the alignment of the port's Name text. Choose from Center, Left, and Right alignment.
- Fill Color - click the color sample to change the fill color for the port using the standard Choose Color dialog.
- Text Color - click the color sample to change the color of the port's Name text using the standard Choose Color dialog.
- Border Color - click the color sample to change the border color for the port using the standard Choose Color dialog.
- Style - use this field to determine the graphical style of the port. Style options available are: None (Horizontal), Left, Right, Left & Right, None (Vertical), Top, Bottom, Top & Bottom.
- Border Width - the thickness of the port's border. Choose from Smallest, Small, Medium, or Large.
- Location X/Y - the current X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates for the left/bottom editing handle of the port (depending on whether the port is currently horizontal or vertical in its orientation). Edit these values to change the position of the port in the horizontal and/or vertical planes respectively.
- Name - the name of the port. The entry in this field defines the connectivity of the port. Ports in a design are considered to be electrically connected if they have identical names. Enter the name directly or use the field's drop-down list to choose a name from another existing port on the same sheet.
- I/O Type - defines the electrical properties of the port. Select an option from the drop-down list. Available options are: Unspecified, Output, Input, and Bidirectional.
- Harness Type - this field is used to provide the connectivity between the port and a defined signal harness system, which allows a collection of signals to be transferred between sheets. The Harness Type itself is defined either manually in the associated Harness Definition File or as part of the properties of a Harness Connector. The associated drop-down lists all currently defined Harness Types detected across the source schematic documents of the active project.
- Locked - enable this option to protect the port from being edited graphically.
Unique Id - the current unique identifier for the port. The Unique ID (UID) is a system-generated value that uniquely identifies this current port. A new UID value can be entered directly into this field.
- Reset - click this button to have the system generate a new UID for the port.
- Autosize - enable this option to have the port automatically adjust its Height and/or Width to accommodate a change to its Name text in terms of its font sizing or length.
- Font - this control serves two purposes. First, it reflects the currently chosen font – applied to the text for the associated port Name - in terms of Font Name, Font Size and Font Style. Second, when clicked it provides access to the standard Font dialog in which you can change the font as required.
Parameters Tab
Port Properties dialog - Parameters tab
Use the dialog's Parameters tab to manage parameters attached to the currently selected port object. You can also add rule-based parameters.
Parameters Grid - the main region of the tab lists all of the parameters currently defined for the port in terms of:
- Visible - use this option to determine the visibility of the parameter's value in the workspace. Note that this does not relate to the visibility of the parameter's Name, which can be determined for a standard (non-rule) parameter only in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Name - the name of the parameter. For a rule-type parameter, this entry will be locked as Rule.
- Value - the value of the parameter. For a rule-type parameter, the entry will reflect the rule type along with a listing of its defined constraints.
- Type - the type of parameter, which determines the valid entries that can be used for its value. Available types are: STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, and FLOAT. For a rule-type parameter, this entry is always STRING.
- Add - click this button to add a new parameter to the list. The Parameter Properties dialog will open. Use this to define the parameter, especially its Name, Value, Type, and whether or not its value is to be visible in the workspace.
- Remove - click this button to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list of parameters.
- Edit - click this button to open the Parameter Properties dialog to modify the currently selected parameter.
- Add as Rule - click this button to add a new design rule directive parameter to the list. The Parameter Properties dialog will open, but this time will contain the Edit Rule Values button, which, in turn, opens the Choose Design Rule Type dialog in which you can choose and subsequently define the constraints of the required rule type.
Right-click Menu
The Parameters Grid right-click menu offers the following commands:
- All On - use this command to quickly enable the Visible option for all parameters in the list.
- All Off - use this command to quickly disable the Visible option for all parameters in the list.
- Selected On - use this command to quickly enable the Visible option for all currently selected parameters in the list.
- Selected Off - use this command to quickly disable the Visible option for all currently selected parameters in the list.
- Add - use this command to add a new standard (non-rule) parameter to the list.
- Remove - use this command to remove the currently selected parameter(s) in the list.
- Edit - use this command to edit the currently selected parameter in the list.
- Select All - use this command to quickly select all parameters in the list.
- Select None - use this command to quickly deselect all parameters in the list.