Home Organizational Security Package

Organizational Security Package

Protect and control the flow of information

Scalable Data Reliability & Governance


Emails, spreadsheets, and ZIP files lack security and scalability. We offer a centralized data platform, ensuring secure and compliant management.

Leverage Your ID Management System


Save time when protecting your data and Intellectual Property by utilizing your existing SSO and MFA solution while strengthening security with IP whitelisting.

Track Users in Real-Time


Utilize our event logs to track events linked to each user's activity. Gain real-time visibility and access to anomalous behavior reports seamlessly integrated into your SIEM via API.

Key Capabilities

Unified Access Control

Authenticate your users by leveraging your existing SSO and MFA infrastructure. Control network access with IP whitelisting, allowing only trusted IP addresses to connect.

Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) and Restrictions

Enhance the security of managing multiple Workspaces by adopting role-based access controls and Personal Space restrictions.

Real-Time Event Monitoring

Our unlimited event log and audit trail simplifies troubleshooting, while SIEM via API ensures real-time monitoring for compliance.

Unlimited Storage

Say farewell to space constraints and infrastructure headaches. Our scalable solution lets you store all your electronics development projects without limits.


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