Component Pin Editor
This document is no longer available beyond version 21.0. Information can now be found here: Component Pin Editor for version 25
The Component Pin Editor dialog
The Component Pin Editor dialog displays all pins for either the component in the active schematic library document or a placed component (or part thereof) in the schematic editor. It provides a single, convenient location for you to modify certain properties of any pin associated with that component. In addition to providing a means of editing pin properties, the dialog also allows you to add new pins or delete existing ones.
The Component Pin Editor dialog can be accessed from either the schematic editor or the schematic library editor by performing the following steps:
- Double-click on the desired placed component (or right-click then choose Properties from the context menu) to open the Properties panel in Component mode.
- On the Pins tab of the panel, select a pin then click
Pin Grid
This area presents all pins for the component. For each pin, the following information is displayed:
- Designator – the numerical identifier of the pin. Each pin of a part must have a unique designator.
- Name – the display name for the pad designator that corresponds with the pin. Note that the pad name is optional, this field can be left blank if required. Alternatively, enter a string into the Name text field, then use the Name checkbox to display or hide the name.
- Desc – the description of the pad designator.
Footprint Model Mapping – the title of this is the pad of the indicated linked footprint model to which this pin of the schematic component is mapped. A separate field is presented for each linked footprint model.
- Type – the electrical type of the pin. This type is used when compiling a project or analyzing a schematic document to detect electrical connection errors (using the Electrical Rules Check feature). Available types are
,Open Collector
,Open Emitter
, andPower
. -
Owner – the parent part to which the pin is associated. For a single-part component, this entry will always be
; it is only meaningful for a multi-part component. A multi-part component also includes a non-graphical part, Part Zero. Part Zero is used for pins that are to be included in all parts of the multi-part component, for example, power pins.-
Show – reflects whether the pin is visible on the sheet (enabled) or hidden (disabled). While this practice is not recommended, the power pins of multi-part components can be hidden when their display would otherwise cause unnecessary clutter on the schematic sheet.
- Number – used to determine whether the designator for the pin is displayed (enabled) or hidden (disabled) when the parent part is placed on a schematic sheet.
Name – used to determine whether the display name for the pin is displayed (enabled) or hidden (disabled) when the parent part is placed on a schematic sheet.
- Pin/Pkg Length – this is the pin-package length.
- Propagation Delay – displays the propagation delay, which is the amount of time it takes for the head of the signal to travel from the sender to the receiver.
- Add – click this button to add a new pin to the component. The new pin will be assigned the next available designator (which can be pin 0), and will have the following default properties:
- Name –
- Desc – blank
- Mapping – all
- Type –
- Owner – the number of the active/selected part.
- Show/Number/Name – all enabled.
- Name –
- Remove – click this button to remove the currently selected pin from the component. A confirmation dialog will open; click Yes to proceed with the removal. If removing a pin from a placed component instance on a schematic, you may need to rewire any existing wiring that was connected to that pin.
Right-Click Menu
The grid right-click menu offers the following commands:
- Jump – use to jump to the currently selected pin within the design space (zoomed and centered (where possible)).
- Add – use to add a new pin to the component (or part thereof).
- Remove – use to remove the currently selected pin from the component. A confirmation dialog will open; click Yes to proceed with the removal.
- Edit – this command is non-functional.
- Report – use to open the Report Preview dialog.
Properties Region
General Tab
- Location
- (X/Y)
- X (first field) – the current X (horizontal) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current design space origin. Edit to change the X position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Y (second field) – the current Y (vertical) coordinate of the reference point of the object, relative to the current design space origin. Edit to change the Y position of the object. The value can be entered in either metric or imperial; include the units when entering a value whose units are not the current default.
- Rotation – use the drop-down to select the rotation.
- (X/Y)
- Properties
- Designator – the numerical identifier of the pin. Each pin of a part must have a unique designator. Use
to determine whether the Designator for the pin is displayed or hidden when the parent part is placed on a schematic sheet.
- Name – use to specify an optional display name for the pin. By default, a newly-placed pin will be named using the designator value. Supplying a display name is particularly useful for IC-type components where a meaningful name enables you to see quickly how the pin is being used. Use
to determine whether the Name for the pin is displayed or hidden when the parent part is placed on a schematic sheet.
- Electrical Type – use the drop-down to set the electrical type of the pin. This is used when compiling a project or analyzing a schematic document to detect electrical connection errors (using the Electrical Rules Check feature).
- Description – enter a meaningful description of the pin, if desired.
- Pin Package Length – enter the pin-package length. The unit will automatically be entered after you press Enter.
- Propagation Delay – enter the propagation delay. The unit will automatically be entered after you press Enter.
- Part Number – this field is available when the pin is being added to a multi-part component. Use the up/down arrows to specify the part to which the pin is to be associated. A multi-part component also includes a non-graphical part, Part Zero. Part Zero is used for pins that are to be included in all parts of the multi-part component, for example, power pins.
- Preview Window – this area provides instant visual feedback as you change various options, enabling you to adjust the look and feel of the pin to meet design requirements.
- Pin Length – use to specify the length of the pin in accordance with the currently defined units of measurement. Click the color box to edit the color of the pin.
- Designator – the numerical identifier of the pin. Each pin of a part must have a unique designator. Use
- Symbols
Inside – use to optionally add a symbol to the pin on the inside of the component graphic.
- Inside Edge – use to optionally add a symbol to the pin on the inside edge of the component graphic.
- Outside Edge – use to optionally add a symbol to the pin on the outside edge of the component graphic.
- Outside – use to optionally add a symbol to the pin on the outside of the component graphic.
- Line Width – use this field to determine the width of the line used to draw the symbols. This provides support for meeting GOST standards, which stipulates that these symbols should be of the same width as the line used to draw the component's symbol.
- Font Settings
- Designator
- Custom Settings – enable to access the Font Settings below to customize the font.
- Font Settings – use the controls to configure the font, font size, color, and special settings such as bold and underlining.
- Custom Position – enable to access the controls below to customize the position.
- Margin – enter the desired margin.
- Orientation – use the drop-down to select the orientation.
- To – use the drop-down to select the desired object of the designator.
- Name
- Custom Settings – enable to access the Font Settings below to customize the font.
- Font Settings – use the controls to configure the font, font size, color, and special settings such as bold and underlining.
- Custom Position – enable to access the controls below to customize the position.
- Margin – enter the desired margin.
- Orientation – use the drop-down to select the orientation.
- To – use the drop-down to select the desired object of the name.
- Designator
Parameters Tab
- Parameters – this region lists all of the parameters currently defined for the pin. Use the
icon to lock/unlock the associated parameter.
- Name – the name of the parameter. For a rule-type parameter, this entry will be locked as
. - Value – the value of the parameter. For a rule-type parameter, the entry will reflect the rule type along with a listing of its defined constraints.
- Name – the name of the parameter. For a rule-type parameter, this entry will be locked as
- Font – click to open a menu to select the desired font, font size, color, and attributes to bold, italicize, etc., if desired.
- Other – click to open a drop-down to change additional options:
- Show Parameter Name – enable to show the parameter name.
- Allow Synchronization with Database – enable to synchronize with the database.
- X/Y – enter the X and Y coordinates.
- Rotation – use the drop-down to select the rotation.
- Autoposition – check to enable auto-positioning.
- Add – click to add a parameter. Use
to delete the currently selected parameter.