LibraryMigrator_Dlg-SimpleMigrationLibrary Migrator (Simple Migration) _AD
Created: 10月 29, 2019 | Updated: 7月 28, 2020
| Applies to versions: 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
現在、バージョン 3.0. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン LibraryMigrator_Dlg-SimpleMigration((Library Migrator (Simple Migration) ))_AD の 4 をご覧ください。
The Library Migrator (Simple Migration) dialog provides a streamlined process to migrate selected file-based component libraries to your managed content server. File-based component libraries (.SchLib, .PcbLib, .IntLib, .DbLib, .SVNDbLib) can be converted to server-based managed components with the one-click solution that is provided.
The dialog is accessed when you are signed in to a managed content server in the following ways:
- Selecting Tools » Migrate Library in the Schematic Library Editor and PCB Library Editor.
- Selecting File » Migrate Library or Tools » Migrate Library in the Database Library Editor.
- Right-clicking on a library file in the Projects panel and selecting Migrate Library from the context menu.
- Selecting a file-based library from the Components panel and choosing the Migrate Library option from the
- Settings - click to view the default migration settings listed in the Properties panel page.
- click to customize the migration in the Library Migrator's full GUI mode. By default, all of the parameters from the original source library will be set for migration. The migration configuration for each source library can be adjusted and changed through the Library Migrator's Properties panel.
- click to complete the library migration.
- A full and ready-to-use component migration relies on the availability of a Component Template that matches the source component type(s). Suitable templates are available in the server if the Install sample data option was selected during installation.
- A source library with an unrecognizable (undetected) component type will be migrated without interpretation, as
[library name].Uncategorized
component types in a[library name].Uncategorized
server folder. Before the migration is run, this can be resolved by applying designator mapping or parameter grouping in the Library Splitting dialog. - Monolithic libraries are automatically split into sub-groups, where each group represents a type of component in that library. The groups are processed as individual libraries.
- Any components that trigger a validation error will be skipped.
- Any errors the process has encountered can be viewed in the Migration Report, available from the
button when the migration has completed.