Altium Designer 新功能概览

探索 Altium Designer 最新版本中引入的新功能、改进和重要变更,

Constraint Manager Improvements

Automatically Propagate Width Values in the Constraint Manager

You can now enter a width value into a single cell at the top grid area, and it will automatically propagate to all corresponding width or gap fields. Furthermore, when working from a schematic, there is an indication of the sync status between constraints defined in the Constraint Manager and those specified through design directives in the source schematics.


PCB Layout Enhancements

Remove Polygon Necks Less Than a Specified Width

With the new "obey rules" option in the properties panel, you now have the capability to remove necks less than a specified width for placed polygon pours. Furthermore, Altium Designer now observes user-defined geometries for the component selection bounding box when moving a component in Push Obstacles mode.


Data Management Improvements

See the Exact YTEOL Value for Your Components

The real value for years to end of life parameter is accurately displayed across all instances where SiliconExpert data is presented, ensuring clarity and precision in your design process. Additionally, we’ve added support for referencing SiliconExpert compliance datasheets, enhancing accessibility and usability. We’ve also included support for the newest Microsoft Access Database file format when synchronizing Database to Workspace components.


  • To see an overview about the Manufacturer Part Search, visit the feature page.

  • Visit the documentation page to learn about the searching and placing components.

  • Discover the latest features and capabilities of Altium Designer 24 with free training.

Altium Designer 24

Constraint Manager Improvements

Ensure Accurate Electrical Clearances with the Constraint Manager

A Creepage rule can now be specified for electrical clearances between nets and/or differential pairs, facilitated by the matrix in the Clearances view. Also, support has been added to the clearance matrix for multi-editing within a selected row or column to streamline your workflow.


Harness Design Improvements

Specify Details for Each Pin of Your Harness Component

You now have the ability to specify crimps, seals, plugs, or other cavity parts for each required pin directly within the Wiring Diagram. These elements are also seamlessly integrated into the wiring list and connection table in the Draftsman document, providing clarity and precision to your designs.


Simulation Improvements

Utilize S-Parameters to Characterize Your Networks

Altium Designer’s S-parameters tool, available within the Simulation Dashboard panel, offers a method to characterize networks by evaluating the ratio of incident and reflected microwaves, effectively addressing challenges in high-frequency circuits.


  • Witness the benefits of using the Simulation tool in this short video.
  • To see an overview about the Simulation tool, visit the feature page.
  • Visit the documentation page to learn about the Simulation tool.
  • Discover the latest features and capabilities of Altium Designer 24 with free training.

Constraint Manager Enhancements

Transfer Design Constraints Between your PCB and Schematic

When accessing the Constraint Manager from the PCB editor and defining constraints on the Physical and Electrical views, it is now possible to transfer those constraints to the Schematic through the Engineering Change Order (ECO) process. This enhancement ensures design consistency by reducing errors and saving time in the constraint definition process.




Harness Design Improvements

Set Multiple Colors to a Wire in your Harness Design

Altium Designer has added support for multi-colored wires, with the ability to define primary, secondary, tertiary, and border colors as part of a wire's parameters to help expand the functional identification capability of wires in your design.



PCB Layout Replication Improvements

Manually Map Components with PCB Layout Replication

You now have the ability to manually map components in target blocks where multiple components have been detected by the PCB Layout Replication Tool as having similar connections. This allows you to manually choose between available components that are able to replace each other, without violating circuit connectivity.





Altium Designer 的约束管理器在设计控制方面明显增强,现在变得更加灵活和直观。新增的向现有类添加网络的功能有助于提高设计组织的效率。使用结构化的 xSignal 可以更深入地定义自定义拓扑,并且选项卡/栅格上新增的行号还可以改进清晰度和导航性能。最后,您现在可以在创建新项目时根据自己偏好的工作流程,选择使用约束管理器或是旧的设计规则系统。

PCB 协同设计改进

借助 PCB 协同设计突出显示特定的已修改类别

Altium Designer 最新的 PCB 协同设计增强功能可以提供更高效、更简化的协作流程。现在,您可以精确地比较和应用基元群组更改,以便做出针对性的修改。此外,‘Show on PCB’ 选项可以简化特定类别更改的突出显示,从而改善可视化性能。这些改进旨在提高效率,并提供更有条理、更加无缝的协作设计体验。



Altium Designer 的多板 Draftsman 工具可以将制造图纸与多板设计项目集成。多板视图可以显示 PCB 轮廓和 3D 模型的组合图形,并提供各种查看选项。您可以享受 Draftsman 提供的注释、尺寸标注和 BOM 等标准功能,告别管理不同文档集的繁杂或仅能依赖于 MCAD 软件的局限性。多板设计 Draftsman 可清晰直观地显示大型系统中的电路板连接,确保设计的完整性和一致性。



Altium Designer 引入的仿真应力分析工具将应力分析纳入瞬态分析,从而为设计过程赋能。该工具根据已定义的限值计算和检查元件的运行条件,简化应力模型创建,并兼顾可靠性降额设计。它可以在仿真查看器中绘制综合应力图,为做出有关元件可靠性和性能的明智决策提供精确度和控制力。


Altium Designer 的约束管理器可用于专业版和企业版订阅,简化了满足复杂标准和 PCB 设计要求的开发过程。此项工具将确保您能够通过基于对象的表格式用户界面,轻松浏览、创建、修改和复用经验证的约束集。为了提升清晰度和理解程度,其在原理图与 PCB 布局之间无缝集成了规则,并通过在两个区域内添加格式一致的规则,简化了设计流程。

使用 PCB 协同设计加速设计进程

Altium Designer 的 PCB 协同设计功能简化了协作流程,以确保工程团队内保持设计完整性。通过专业版和企业版订阅,此项工具可以简化工作区内的协作流程,而无需手动跟踪更改。您可以在统一环境中轻松实现更改内容可视化、布局比较和更新内容合并。引入 PCB 协同设计功能后,无需浏览繁琐的修订历史,即可更加高效地完成PCB设计。

使用 3D 机电集成器件工具提升项目水平

Altium Designer 推出的全新 3D 机电集成器件设计工具,简化了非平面电子设计的集成流程。其可与现有元件进行无缝对齐,与原理图文档实现同步,并且无需进行耗时的 MCAD 破解操作。使用此项工具能够设计出既符合电气规范,又具有美观性的产品。您可以通过专业版或企业版订阅,轻松将其应用到产品开发工作流中。

使用 Power Analyzer by Keysight 为多个网络分配电流

Altium Designer 的增强型 Power Analyzer by Keysight Tool 可以高效解决电源网络分析难题。此项新增功能支持向不同串行元素之间同一元件上的多个网络分配电流。这一增强功能将有助于您实现无缝、高效功率分析,以确保您能够在Altium Designer中获得最大设计收益。

Altium Designer 23


对于企业版和专业版订阅用户,新约束管理器提供了基于表格的界面,无论从原理图还是 PCB 都可以访问,帮助您加强在约束定义方面的协作力度。工程师和协作者都可以轻松地共同设置设计约束。

Speed Up Your Workflow With the Power of PCB Layout Replication

The new PCB Layout Replication tool gives you the ability to quickly replicate the layout for repetitive blocks of circuitry in a flat PCB design. This avoids the need for manual routines, snippets, reuse blocks, or converting into a multi-channel design.


自动长度调整提供 2D 模式下的自动长度调整和延迟调整功能,可方便地从主布线菜单访问。该功能可以减少进行长度调整和延迟调整时通常需要的手动操作,从而加快设计进程。






我们在 Gloss and Retrace 面板中添加了新的“Retrace Parameters”功能,以确保能够使用 Rounded 环绕样式以任何角度重塑单端走线。您还可以设置基于规则的宽度模式或输入自定义值,以确保符合设计规则。此外,您还可以选择“Preserve Route Path”,以在重塑过程中持续精确跟踪几何图形,从而在设计时更好地保持控制性和准确度。


使用“Where Used”面板跟踪复用块中的元件

Altium Designer 的“ Where Used ”元件面板简化了 PCB 设计中的元件管理。该面板提供了每个元件使用位置的完整列表,以确保轻松解决冲突并保持设计的准确度。在最新版本中,我们对面板进行了重新设计并纳入了连接的 Workspace 库中的 Reuse Blocks,以确保仅在相关时才显示选项卡,从而保持画面整洁。

Collaborative Improvements

Efficient Concurrent Design with PCB CoDesign

For Pro and Enterprise subscriptions, PCB CoDesign in Altium Designer revolutionizes collaborative design by enabling multiple team members to work simultaneously on a project, ensuring streamlined development, efficient testing, and faster iteration to meet project deadlines. This feature includes Git-like version control, allowing collaborators to access the same project concurrently, commit changes to a master branch, and use Commenting and Tasks features to allocate work on the board. Notifications alert team members of commits, and the Compare and Merge panel displays differences in design, offering color-coded feedback. When conflicts arise, such as overlapping changes by multiple designers, you can confidently decide to keep local changes or accept remote changes from the latest commit, ensuring a smooth collaborative design process.

Importer Enhancements

Seamlessly Import OrCAD and Allegro Design Files

There are key improvements and fixes in relation to the import of OrCAD and Allegro design files into Altium Designer. This includes support for customized port connectors, accurate title block parameter handling, component fill coloring preservation, and precise design file imports, ensuring your design process is seamless.

SVN 到 Git 迁移

将设计项目从 SVN 迁移到 Git

企业现在仅需与 Enterprise Server 工作区连接,即可将存储在通过 Workspace 的 Version Control Service 托管的 SVN 中央存储库的设计项目,迁移到 Workspace 内的 Git 中央存储库。







PCB 协同设计改进

添加了 Room 方向保持功能

‘Copy Room Formats’ 功能新增了一个选项,用于控制是否将所选源 Room 的旋转复制到所需目标 Room 中,从而无需进行手动旋转校正。

PCB 协同设计改进


您现在可以将层数、电路板尺寸、对象数量等更多制造和装配参数,直接纳入制造和装配说明。可以在 PCB 中直接计算此类添加内容,以确保所做说明与设计更新内容保持一致。

PCB Design Improvements

Freely Customize Paste Mask and Solder Mask

Altium has completed the custom pad stack feature, which includes the ability to freely customize pad, thermal relief, and most recently, paste and solder mask shapes. You now have the ability to independently control paste and solder mask shapes and can adapt to non-standard component footprints.

PCB Design Improvements

Conveniently Manage Part Choices for Each Component in Your Design

Altium has added the ability to manage part choices that are associated with each component in your design. The excluded part choice will still be in the project, however it will not appear in the generated BOM, nor will it be used in price calculations or as part of BOM checks



新的 Mixed-Simulation Data Viewer 具有更高波形准度和测量精度。精度提高后,将会显著降低舍入误差,以确保在查看仿真波形时获得更精确的结果,从而提高仿真过程的整体可靠性。



Altium 扩展了其对多板功能的支持,以确保您可以从多板原理图无缝导航至接线图。您现在可以从多板原理图中的相应线束对象,直接交叉探测至该线束设计的 Wiring Diagram,从而最大程度降低不匹配风险,并确保您能够更好地控制多板设计。

PCB 协同设计改进

精确定位丝印,为封装创建和 PCB 制造做准备

最新版本简化了丝印制备过程的管理,以确保您能够在移动或修剪丝印对象时,轻松与露铜或阻焊层开窗保持特定距离。添加此项功能后,您即无需在创建封装和进行 PCB 制造准备时,手动处理丝印。


在仿真过程中使用 FSTIM 激励模型

最新版 Altium 通过向其他元件提供扩展支持,增强其仿真能力。您现在可以添加 PSpice 中的数字文件激励器件或 FSTIM 模型基元,以在 Altium 中进行仿真,从而在瞬态信号生成过程中实现高精度和高效率。此项新增功能,符合 Altium 始终致力于提供与 Altium Designer 环境完全融合的同类最优 Spice 仿真器的承诺。



此版本引入了可用于精确完成线束线缆设计,以减少在装配过程中出现错误的新工具。您现在可以根据捆绑封装对象,对线束覆盖大小进行定义,并在实心样式与模式填充之间进行选择。此外,Layout Drawing 中的等距线视图为装配人员提供了一种额外视角,以增强线束元件的呈现效果,从而实现设计意图的全面沟通并最大限度地减少装配错误。

使用 PCB 剖面图功能查看隐藏元件

PCB 的剖面图功能为您的设计提供了前所未有的精确洞察,揭示了 PCB 布局和结构中通常不可见的细节。当处理密集和复杂的 PCB 时,剖面视图可以显示 PCB 中的细节。通过控制平面的放置和颜色,您可以轻松查看所有元件,甚至是隐藏在较大元件或机械零部件下的较小 SMD 元器件。

Custom Thermal Reliefs for Pads

As a continuation of our custom pad shape capabilities, it is now possible to add, remove, and edit, thermal relief spikes to anywhere on a pad, regardless of shape. This helps with soldering and avoids possible manufacturing problems like tombstoning.


交互式探测功能在 Altium Designer 中提供了类似示波器的功能。当启用此功能时,对探针放置、颜色或其他设置的任何更改都会立即反映在仿真结果文档中。


我们添加了对电压和电流受控源、函数信号源和可变无源器件的支持,以在进行交流分析时对电压、功率和电流输出变量进行分析。此功能非常适合音频项目、通信设计等设计类型。此外,我们还添加了对多位ADC和ROM PSPICE数字模型基元及其时序模型的支持。



线束设计新功能:3D 线框视图和向连接点添加模型


Support For Workspace Defined Parameters & Bulk Edits For Components

For this release we have added support for workspace defined project parameters, bulk creation and edits of components, and enhanced side-by-side component revision comparison.


在本次发布的Altium Designer中,我们增加了对更多可编程逻辑阵列PSPICE数字基元,使用全局节点($D_HI, $D_LO, $D_X)的数字模型,以及可变无源元器件的支持



PCB 改进

Gerber Setup 层类支持

对于当前版本,Gerber Setup 对话框在其 Layers to plot 列表中有一个 Layer Classes 部分。我们可以使用层类复选框,快速启用属于特定层类的所有层绘图。


添加了对 PSpice 数字模型的支持

此版本的 Altium Designer 支持更多 PSpice 数字模型基元。我们添加了对 PINDLY 和 CONSTRAINT PSpice 数字行为模型基元的支持,以及对 DIGERRDEFAULT 选项的支持。

Harness Design Improvements

Harness Design Improvements

In this release of Altium Designer we’ve added several new features to boost the usability of the harness wiring diagram and layout drawing. Including additional features for crimping, splices, and efficiency






此版本对线束接线图和线束布局图都做了一些改进。一些新功能包括:用于扭线和屏蔽对象的参数、压接、额外的 3D 视图、从单点进行的多重连接等...


用于 Gerber 和视图配置的全新 PCB 功能

这个新的 PCB 功能允许您从视图配置面板加载存储的视图配置文件。此外,在使用新的统一 Gerber/Gerber X2 对话框时,现在还可以更改 Gerber Board Profile 图层的名称。


New Extension For Power Integrity Analysis

Quickly assess the integrity of your power distribution network without the need for any specialized training with Power Analyzer by Keysight.


Multi-board support In MCAD CoDesigner

You are now able to transfer and sync your muli-board designs with your mechanical team using the MCAD CoDesigner.




Altium Designer 22

PCB Improvements

Custom Pad Shapes with Rounded/Chamfered Corners

Shape your pads the way you need in a matter of clicks. Extending the versatility of pad shapes, you can now customize the rounding of selected corners of pads that use either the Rounded Rectangle shape or the new Chamfered Rectangle shape.

PCB Improvements

Enhanced Gerber Setup Interface

Efficiency, simplicity and convenience are all delivered with the new UI for Gerber setup. Everything you need to prepare for Gerber generation is now at your fingertips in an intuitive setting.


Additional Digital Models & Variant Support

Expanding the functionality available to you in the simulation arena, this release adds further support for PSPICE digital gates, timing and I/O models. Support for variants is also now available.

Data Management Improvements

Improved Manufacturer Part Search UI

The Manufacturer Part Search panel has long been a source of components for many users. Improvements have been made in this release that make it easier to use components in their libraries. This allows you to spend more time on development than on the process!

PCB Improvements

Additional Net Information for Tuning Objects

Detailed net information about tuning objects has been added in this release. Information about the maximum current and active resistance of accordion, sawtooth, and trombone objects is now available. More detail means it is less likely mistake will be made!

Schematic Capture Improvements

Quickly View Multi-function Pin Names

A large number of microcircuits have multi-functional pins. Working with them in Altium Designer has become even easier. This release introduces the ability to display the alternative pin names with just one click.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Improved Variant Management

Variant management is taken to the next level with this release. Time spent creating and editing variants is greatly reduced. Now you can design with large numbers of variants with streamlined ease and efficiency.

Data management improvements

BOM Commenting

Support for commenting has arrived in the BOM arena with this release. All stakeholders can actively discuss the BOM with ease and convenience, as enjoyed already with schematic and PCB documents.

Data Management Improvements

Alternative PCB Layouts in a Reuse Block

Reuse Blocks are enhanced further in this release. You can now define multiple, alternate PCB layouts for use with a single block. When placing a block, quickly switch layouts to suit your physical and performance needs.

Data Management Improvements

Design Reuse Functionality

Take the enhanced functionality of Reuse Blocks for a spin in this release, with the ability to place a block (or schematic snippet) as a sheet symbol. Your proven circuitry is placed on an auto-generated child sheet.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Mark Multiple Components as Fitted/Not Fitted

With this release it becomes even easier to work with multi-variant design projects. Now you can select multiple components for the active variant and mark them as Fitted/Not Fitted in a single action.

PCB Improvements

Custom Pad Shapes

Modern components often contain pads that are complex in shape. This release of Altium Designer gives you the ability to create custom pad shapes quickly and easily, with management similar to that of standard pads.

PCB Improvments

Ability to Change Tuning Object Layer Properties

Design of high-speed PCBs becomes easier with this latest release. Now, when you need to quickly move tuning elements to a different layer, you can do so from the Properties panel with a single click.

SPICE Simulation Improvements

Auto-assign Simulation Models for Components without Models

This latest version of Altium Designer makes schematic simulation even easier. System intelligence automatically recognizes SPICE models and assigns them to components from available sources.

Output Improvements

Control of Paste Mask Output for Variants

Output data needs to be as accurate as possible. For multi-variant designs you can now ensure that the paste mask is only displayed where it is really needed.

PCB Improvements

Quick Browsing of Parameters for a Board

Parametric information for your board is now conveniently available from the Properties panel. A single, convenient location with which to browse system, calculated and user-defined parameters, and place as needed in the form of special strings.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Active Links in Text

You can now specify active links to components and nets within a text frame object on a schematic. This handy navigation aid makes it much easier not only to read the document, but also to work with it.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Multifunctional pins

You will often see that modern ICs consist of multi-functional pins. In this latest version of Altium Designer it has become far easier and much more convenient to work with such components.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Custom Diff Pair Suffixes

Even more possibilities for creating differential pairs. Now you can use any postfixes to designate positive and negative net of a differential pair.

PCB Improvements

PCB Health Check Monitor

The condition of the PCB is under your control. A new intelligent feature that gives you confidence that your PCB is okay and complies with design rules.

Schematic Capture Improvements

Display of Alternate Component Parameters

Many schematic solutions are created as multivariant. With the new release, the schematic of multivariant project have become even more detailed and informative.

MultiBoard Improvements

Components from Altium 365

Working with multiboards has become easier and more convenient. Now you have more component sources at your disposal.

Data Мanagement Improvements

New Design Reuse Functionality

A reuse bloks help reduce development time and avoid errors. The new Design Reuse Panel and new functionality expands the possibilities for reuse blocks and snippets.

Further Enhancements to Sheet Cross-referencing

Schematic Capture Improvement

Adding cross-references to the project allows you to easily follow the connective flow of nets between the schematic sheets in a project. 

High-Speed Design Improvements

Relative Length Tuning

Designing high-speed PCB just got easier. The Length Tuning tools is now even more functionality. Complex tasks can now be solved even faster.

PCB Design Improvements

Enhanced UI for Via Stack Editing

The via editing mode is now even more convenient. Information about the via, editing its parameters and connections to polygons are now all in a new and simple, but familiar form.

Data Мanagement Improvements

Generic Components

The way from idea to real devices has become shorter. The new feature will reduce the time it takes to design a schematic.