CAM编辑器 - 绘图尺寸
Created: 一月 02, 2020 | Updated: 六月 08, 2020
| Applies to versions: 20.1 and 20.2
您正在阅读的是 20.2. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 CAM编辑器 - 绘图尺寸 阅读 21 版本
The CAM Editor - Draw Dimension page of the Preferences dialog.
The CAM Editor – Draw Dimension page of the Preferences dialog includes options relating to the general settings of the CAM Editor within the CAM design space.
This page is part of the main Preferences dialog that is accessed by clicking the control in the upper-right corner of the design space then select the Draw Dimension entry under the CAM Editor folder.
- Height - enter a value for the height of the dimension text.
- Accuracy (Decimal) - use this drop-down to choose the accuracy in the number of digits for the dimension objects. You can choose between 0 to 6 digits.
- X Scale - enter an X scaling value for the dimension text.
- Offset Text from Dimline - enter a value in inches from the dimension line to the dimension text.
- Style - click this button to choose one of the Autocad text and shape files with an SHX extension as a font style for the dimension objects.