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Parent page: Library Query Functions - All


Returns all components, or footprints, that are resident in the library specified as part of the Query.


LibraryPath : String

Example Usage

LibraryPath = 'C:\Documents\Altium\Library\MyExampleLibrary.SchLib'
Returns all components whose parent library is MyExampleLibrary.SchLib, and where that library is resident in the  C:\Documents\Altium\Library folder.

LibraryPath Like ' C:\Documents\Altium\Library\Miscellaneous*.IntLib'
Returns all components, or footprints, whose parent library name starts with Miscellaneous and ends with .IntLib, and where that library is resident in the  C:\Documents\Altium\Library folder.

LibraryPath = 'C:\Test Projects\Example DBLib\VishayCapacitor.DBLib'
Returns all components whose parent library is VishayCapacitor.DBLib, and where that library is resident in the  C:\Test Projects\Example DBLib folder.


  1. The entities returned - Components or Footprints - depends on the chosen scope, defined using the Search in field in the Libraries Search dialog.
  2. When searching components, all SchLib, IntLib and DbLib libraries - available along the defined library path - will be interrogated. When searching footprints, all PcbLib and IntLib libraries will be interrogated.
  3. All results are listed in the Query Results listing, back in the Libraries panel.
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