Zoom Darker Green Underlined Connections (Context Sensitive)
Applied Parameters: Object=Underlined|Color=$0000BE00|ContextSensitive=True
This command is used to change the view in the main design window, such that all electrical connections (wires, buses, signal harnesses) underlined using the Darker Green highlighting color, are visible.
This command is accessed from the Schematic Editor by right-clicking over an existing darker green-underlined connection, and choosing the View » Zoom Darker Green Underlined Connections command from the context menu.
First, position the cursor over the required darker green-underlined connection, in the main design workspace.
After launching the command, the view in the main design window will change to fit all electrical connections (wires, buses, signal harnesses) underlined using the Darker Green highlighting color. All objects that are electrically connected to those underlined objects will be selected, with filtering applied to dim all other objects on the sheet. Depending on the number of objects involved and their respective locations, they will be zoomed and centered in the window.
- The selected objects will be highlighted in the selection color defined in the Selections field, on the Schematic - Graphical Editing tab of the Preferences dialog.
- Underlining of connections is applied using the Highlighting Pens feature, accessed by clicking the
button at the bottom-right of the main design window. Press Spacebar to change color.
- Underlining can be cleared by clicking the Clear button, at the bottom-right of the main design window. Using this method, underlining will only be cleared for the active schematic sheet.
- To clear all underlining highlighting from connections across all open (and open and hidden) schematic documents, use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+C.
- Adjust the level of masking applied to all objects not in the underlined connection (non-selected objects), by using the Filter slider bar - accessed from the Mask Level button (bottom right of main design window).