Client_Dlg-ImportPreferencesIncludedPagesFormRelease Preferences_AD
Created: октября 10, 2019 | Updated: октября 10, 2019
| Applies to versions: 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
Вы просматриваете версию 3.0. Для самой новой информации, перейдите на страницу Client_Dlg-ImportPreferencesIncludedPagesForm((Release Preferences))_AD для версии 5
The Release preferences dialog
The Release preferences dialog is used to set up how the range of Altium NEXUS Preferences are released to the Server Item. The dialog offers three modes for how preferences option groups (pages in the Preferences dialog) will be applied to Altium NEXUS.
The dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- In the Preferences dialog, click Send to server from the Save button drop-down menu. In the Choose Item dialog (this is a trimmed-down version of the Explorer panel), choose the next planned revision of an existing Designer Preferences Item, or create a new Designer Preferences Item (and initial planned revision) on-the-fly. After choosing the required target Item Revision, click OK. The Edit Revision dialog will open in which you can change the Name and Description, and add release notes as required then click OK. This dialog is used to manage the way in which the range of Altium NEXUS Preferences are released to the targeted revision of the Designer Preferences Item.
- In the Preferences dialog, choose Load from server from the Load drop-down menu then choose the desired Item Revision in the Choose Item dialog (this is a trimmed-down version of the Explorer panel). This option is available only when manually choosing a released revision of a designer preferences item.
- Options Page - use the collapsed arrows to select the desired page. Click on the desired page to select.
- Apply Mode - displays the mode to which each preference option will be applied to Altium NEXUS for each Options Page. Use the drop-down to select the desired application mode:
- Apply and Lock – the Preferences group will be loaded in Altium NEXUS as read-only (not editable) options.
- Apply First Time – the Preferences group will be loaded in Altium NEXUS as initial settings that can be edited.
- Do Not Apply – the Preferences group will not be loaded in Altium NEXUS, allowing the existing settings to remain.
- Apply - displays the mode to which each preference option will be applied to Altium NEXUS for each Options Page. This option is available only when the dialog is accessed using the Send to server option.
- Show pages that are not available to import - enable to show Preferences that are not able to be imported. This option is available only when the dialog is accessed using the Load from server option.
- Apply all - select to check all Apply boxes for all Options Page entries. This option is available only when the dialog is accessed using the Load from server option.
- Apply none - select to uncheck all Apply boxes for all Options Page entries. This option is available only when the dialog is accessed using the Load from server option.