Configuration of Altium Concord Pro

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This documentation page references Altium Concord Pro, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.

Managing Users & Roles

User Management for Altium Concord Pro is performed from the Team area of the browser interface, accessed from an external browser. This provides the interface to the Identity Service (IDS), with which to define Concord Pro Server (and other service) access, through specification of Users and Roles.

Controls are spread over the following sub-pages:

  • Users - use this page to create and manage a list of users; people who are to have access to Altium Concord Pro and/or the associated technologies installed with it.
  • Roles - use this page to create and manage a list of roles; roles allow you to further organize your users according to, for example, the particular section of the organization in which they are involved, or the design team they are in. Roles also make the sharing of Concord Pro content, and the configuration of other served technologies, more streamlined.
  • LDAP Sync - use this page to configure and run an LDAP Sync task. This allows an administrator of your Altium Concord Pro installation to leverage the network domain’s existing username and password credentials, so that user credentials do not have to be created manually one at a time on the Users page. When setup correctly, the Users page will automatically populate with user credentials, enabling any user listed to sign into Concord Pro using their regular corporate network username and password.
  • Sessions - use this page to quickly assess which of your users are currently signed into Altium Concord Pro. Provision is made for an administrator to terminate a user's access to Concord Pro by effectively 'killing' their active session, thereby freeing connections to the Server for use by others.
Two administrative users are provided with a new Altium Concord Pro installation - admin and System. The former, which is visible from the Users page, allows you to quickly get access to Concord Pro as an administrator. Once you have added other users, you can keep and edit the admin user (change its name and password for example), or delete it. The System user, which is not visible from the Users page, is used for all background tasks (including LDAP Sync, and Notifications). This user is permanently online. It does not, however, use a connector license.
Only an administrative user has full access to management controls. While a non-administrative user can browse Users and Roles, they cannot access LDAP Sync or Sessions. And while management of users by a non-administrative user is not generally possible, they are able to change the profile of their own user - including changing username and password.

Content Structure & Access

The Explorer page of Altium Concord Pro's browser interface gives you access to the content within Concord Pro. From here you will be able to browse the folders and Items within Concord Pro. And although you can't create or edit Items from within the browser interface (you can remove them), you are able to create and edit folders, and so build Concord Pro's structure, without having to be connected to it through Altium Designer.

You can also define sharing from this interface - controlling who is able to see what content in Concord Pro, and whether other users can simply view a folder and its content, or also edit it (effectively releasing design data into it). A single Altium Concord Pro installation can be partitioned into various effective 'zones' of content, but with controlled permissions, the content can be made selectively visible, or hidden, as required - giving the right people, the right access, to the right data.

Content can also be downloaded from Concord Pro, directly from this interface.

Concord Pro Administrators will be able to see and manage all Server content. For a shared user of Altium Concord Pro (non-admin), only those folders that have been shared - i.e. the user has permissions to access - will be accessible when the user signs in to that instance of Concord Pro.
Non-administrative users can only share a folder they have created.

Graphical Lifecycle Management

Altium Concord Pro provides the ability to define and manage lifecycle definitions through its browser interface, complementing the ability to do this through Altium Designer. And providing better visibility of the states and transitions involved, each lifecycle is built in a graphical way, showing at-a-glance the flows involved. Many of the management controls you are accustomed to from the Edit Lifecycle Definitions dialog are present, but in a far more intuitive setting, allowing you to quickly build and modify your definitions with streamlined ease.

Access to Altium Concord Pro's lifecycle definitions can only be made by an administrator (a member of the Administrators role). Once signed in to your Concord Pro instance through a Web browser, use the nav tree on the left to navigate to the Admin - Settings page. Then, in the tree that is presented, click on the Lifecycle Definitions entry.

The default lifecycle definitions presented will differ, depending on whether you opted to install Altium Concord Pro with, or without, sample data. These can be used as is, modified, removed, and new definitions created as needed to suit your company's requirements.

Defining and managing a lifecycle definition through Concord Pro's browser interface is very much a visual affair. A definition is built rather like a flow diagram, using various graphical objects representing the states and state transitions (and stages if using an Advanced style of management).

Currently, this functionality works well in Google Chrome only. Functionality for other browsers will be addressed moving forward.
Various documents are available that relate to lifecycle management defined through Altium Designer, which equally apply here, with similar controls through the browser interface. For details on lifecycle definitions, see Managing Lifecycles for Items. For more detail on controlling state transitions, see Controlling Transitions between Lifecycle States.

Part Source Configuration

Each Altium Concord Pro instance has its own dedicated Part Catalog. This is a managed local part catalog database, dedicated to the management and tracking of manufacturer parts and their associated supplier parts. The catalog is installed as a service (Part Catalog Service), provided through the Altium Concord Pro platform, and works only with Altium Concord Pro.

The local Part Catalog stores items representative of actual Manufacturer Parts, along with one or more items representative of Supplier Parts - the incarnations of those Manufacturer Parts, as sold by the Suppliers/Vendors. Each Supplier Part is a reference to an item in a parts database - either the aggregate parts database of the Altium Parts Provider (which itself interfaces to, and gathers the parts from, enabled Suppliers), or a linked local parts database (ODBC-based).

Which Supplier Databases are actually used - a list of Approved Suppliers - is managed by Altium Concord Pro, through the Part Providers page of its browser interface. This facilitates centralized supply chain management, with designers across the entire organization using the same approved list of Suppliers, with which to source supply chain intelligence for parts used in their designs.

Email Notifications

Altium Concord Pro can be configured to generate and send email notifications - flagging a variety of events to key stakeholders, relating to Component Items, Managed Projects, Approval Requests, and Part Requests. This feature works in addition to the event notifications presented to relevant users on the Stream and Home pages of Concord Pro's browser interface.

The feature to send notification emails from your Altium Concord Pro installation is enabled and configured on the Email Notifications page (Admin - Settings - Email Notifications) of Concord Pro's browser interface. This page is an element of the interface that can only be accessed by Administrative users of Concord Pro - those who are part of the Administrators role.

Altium Concord Pro supports mail notifications using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) only, since the majority of email systems that send mail over the internet use this protocol.
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