Public Release Notes for Altium Concord Pro

This document is no longer available beyond version 5.0. Information can now be found here: Release Notes for Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server for version 7.1

Concord Message

This documentation page references Altium Concord Pro, which has been discontinued. All your PCB design, data management and collaboration needs can now be delivered by Altium Designer and a connected Altium 365 Workspace. Check out the FAQs page for more information.

The following sections list the release notes for publicly released versions of Altium Concord Pro 5.0.

Version 5.0.2

Build: 3 Date: 8 July 2022

Infrastructure & Administration

21528 Fixed issue where licenses cannot be added via web UI, for some operating system regional settings.
21826 Fixed issue where installation endlessly runs despite an error in rebuilding search index.

Components & Libraries

22277 Fixed issue where component pin mapping is not retained when components are released via the Component Editor in its Batch Component Editing mode.

Component Sync

21089 Fixed issue where PTC Windchill component sync fails when parts contain attributes with constraints: Enumerated Valid Value or Legal Value List.

Version 5.0.1

Build: 15 Date: 21 April 2022

Major Features

11503 Made several improvements to net selection to improve the review process in the Web Viewer.
11600 Introduction of layer stack view in Web Viewer, within Work-in-Progress view, Releases view and Manufacturing view (projects need to be re-committed to regenerate view).
12833 In project Web Viewer, allow the user to view previously generated data while new visualization is generating.
12875 Various fixes of projects not displaying in the Web Viewer (50+ issues fixed).
14155 Improved component details parameter and part choice list in the Web Viewer, to be consistent with Altium Designer.

Component Sync

13785 Added the ability to sync Altium components' item-level Item ID to enterprise system as regular attribute or enterprise system part number using the following mapping in configuration XML file: ${parameter.item.HRID}.

Web UI

10219 Fixed UI issue where footprint icon is not used when deleting footprints in the Web Viewer.
10575 Enabled comments visibility in project Web Viewer's PCB 3D view.
10850 Enabled download of additional outputs in Altium 365 Web UI project work in progress view (BOM, Gerber, PCB Assembly).
12291 Fixed issue where Explorer view is inconsistent between Altium Designer and the Web Viewer when a user has restricted privileges/licenses, causing component templates folder to not be shown.
13556 Introduction of Downloads panel for packaged project and derived/exported files.
14853 Fixed issue where multi-channel projects using a non-default Component Naming Scheme (i.e., $Component_$RoomName) would not have the designators of their components shown correctly in the Web Viewer. Also fixed issue where non-fitted components, in defined variants of such design projects, were not shown in the Web Viewer. (BC: 17175)
16197 Enabled panels in the Web Viewer to be resizable: projects, properties, comments, etc.
17850 Improved viewer rendering - PCB highlight, measurement, body transparency.

Infrastructure & Administration

3852 Fixed issue where 2 CAL licenses are checked out when using License Manager Authentication Mode 'No Authentication' in Private License Server settings. (BC: 13089)
7308 Fixed issue where LDAP Sync with LDAP user authentication type does not work.
10024 Fixed issue where Web UI does not show the updated value of session lifetime. With this fix, Web UI now shows the up-to-date session lifetime (which may be extended due to activity during initial lifetime). In addition, the start and expiry times will now be shown in local timezone.
12026 Improved notifications when a user changes email/account name.
12447 Fixed regression issue where an error occurs when trying to connect to the server, for some specific customer environment.
12583 Introduced pin mapping capability and an admin setting to control availability of that capability for the server.
13134 Removed redundancy of multiple .NET Core version installations by only installing the .NET Core 3.1.22 version.
13868 Better handling of situations when disk space is limited, i.e., absolute 3GB minimum disk space left instead of 10% minimum disk space left.
13950 Fixed issue where "Delete released" operation permissions are ignored when hard-deleting soft-deleted components from Trash.
16685 Fixed issue where "Use Windows Session" option does not work on the login page.
17431 Fixed issue where backup fails due to Firebird data being accessed.
17576 Fixed regression issue where only the search phrase is added instead of the full username, to a specific role.
19568 Fixed issue where server backup script fails when Windows FIPS is enabled.
20348 Extended support of long directory paths during backup/restore process.
20387 Fixed issue with naming schema being too short when adding datasheets to components.

Projects & Releases

11424 Added restriction controls/options for sharing and download.
11748 Fixed issue with inability to permanently remove an item from trash if that item is not within a project folder.
12489 Fixed issue where Change Lifecycle State dialog shows "Custom ##" instead of "Custom-<ProjectName>' like in Released data.
12490 Fixed issue where Excel documents are not listed in the Web Viewer's Releases view when they are available across multiple folders.
16947 Fixed issue where Date Created and Last Modified entries for Projects - in the Explorer panel - are incorrect.
17545 Fixed issue where a project cannot be renamed if there are multiple editors.
18548 Fixed issue where long project folder names are not readable in the Web Viewer.
19154 Fixed issue where projects cannot be accessed in the Web Viewer through Projects page if only the project and not the containing folder is shared.
20347 Fixed issue within Project History where commit date/timestamps are incorrectly presented for some OS regional settings on server machine.

Components & Libraries

14977 Fixed regression issue where release fails when releasing more than 100 components through the Component Editor's batch editing mode.
16250 Fixed error when deleting folders with more than 10000 components.
18924 Fixed issue where a component cannot be released to the server if a Component Type is not chosen.
19159 Fixed "The given key was not present in the directory" error when moving components from one server to another using the Altium Content Cart.
20344 Fixed issue where assigning component subtype does not work.

Design Review

12673 BOM compare report generation (CSV) now available in report menu, outjob, project history, and releases.
13983 Improved visibility/accessibility of placing comments in Altium Designer.
14099 Improved commenting capability: Enable comment link and allow admins to delete comments.
14687 In Comments panel, made "unresolved only" filter enabled by default.
18968 Fixed issue where email notifications do not work when users are mentioned in comments.
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