EDesignData_Dlg-ItemRevisionPropertiesDialogProperties for Item Revision_AD
The Properties for Item Revision dialog.
The Properties for Item Revision dialog allows designers to view the details of an item revision.
From the Vault panel, right-click on an item and select Full Item History from the context menu. In the document that opens, double-click on a revision to open the properties dialog for that revision.
The Item Revision properties are listed in two columns. On the right side, the name of the Property is listed. On the lift, the Value, or details, of that property is listed. Property information is organized in subcategories within the table as well: Item Properties, Revision Properties, and Parameters. Double-click on any of these headers to collapse or expand that section.
Clicking on the links for the Component Lifecycle or Revision Scheme will open the dialog for the Lifecycle Defition or Revision Naming Scheme, respectively.