Sch_Dlg-RemoveTemplateGraphicsRemove Template Graphics_AD
Created: 六月 08, 2017 | Updated: 二月 28, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1, 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2 and 21
您正在阅读的是 18.1. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 Sch_Dlg-RemoveTemplateGraphics((Remove Template Graphics))_AD 阅读 22 版本
The Remove Template Graphics dialog
The Remove Template Graphics dialog allows you to quickly remove the current template from one or more schematic documents.
The dialog is accessed from the schematic editor by clicking Design » Templates » Remove Current Template from the main menus.
- Choose Document Scope - choose one of the following options to determine the scope of the removal:
- Just this document - choose this option to remove the current template from the active schematic document only.
- All schematic documents in the current project - choose this option to remove the respective current templates from the active schematic document and all other schematic documents in the active project. Schematics that are currently closed will be opened.
- All open schematic documents - choose this option to remove the respective current templates from the active schematic document and all other open schematic documents (regardless of parent project).