WorkspaceManager_Dlg-ProjectReleaseOptionsFormProject Release Options_AD
Created: 八月 21, 2017 | Updated: 十二月 20, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0 and 18.1
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The Project Release Options dialog is used to assign the applicable Outjobs and define how the target data items in a server (whose revisions receive the generated data) are named when releasing a project.
The dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click Options in the Release view of the Project Releaser (Project » Project Releaser).
- From the Project Releaser, click on the Target Revision link for a data set to be released then choose Edit from the context menu.
Release Options Tab
- Release Target - use the drop-down to select a release target server.
- Managed - <Server Name> - select to release to the specified server.
- Unmanaged - Folder - select to release locally in offline mode to a folder.
- Unmanaged - Zip - select to release locally in offline mode to a zip file.
- Output Jobs
- Source Data - enable the desired project source data.
- Fabrication Data - enable the desired data that will be used for board manufacturing (e.g., Gerber, ODB++, drilling information, etc.). The exact content will be determined by the outjob.
- Assembly Data - enable the desired data that represents assembly information (e.g., pick and place, assembly drawings, etc.). The exact content will be determined by the outjob. Each variant is released to an individual item.
- Release Target
- Include Design subfolder into the item content (for legacy compatibility, not recommended) - enable to include the design sub-folder.
Item Naming Tab
- Project Name - use to define the name for the project. By default, this will be filled with the actual name of the project. Enter a new name if desired.
- Project Folder - use to define the top-level target folder in the server into which the data will be released. Click
to open a dialog in which you can search for and select a different folder.
- Item Type/ID - displays the default naming schemes for the various data items that can be generated as part of the release.
Additional Controls
- Settings - click to open the Naming Template Settings dialog in which you can change naming schemes, if desired.