WorkspaceManager_Dlg-SysPrefsForm_DesktopLayoutSystem - Desktop Layouts_AD
Created: 三月 23, 2016 | Updated: 四月 11, 2017
| Applies to version: 16.0
您正在阅读的是 16.0. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 WorkspaceManager_Dlg-SysPrefsForm_DesktopLayout((System - Desktop Layouts))_AD 阅读 17.1 版本
The System – Desktop Layouts page of the Preferences dialog allows the user to manage the layout of the desktop.
This page is accessed by clicking Desktop Layouts under the System folder in the main Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences).
- Standard layouts
- Apply the default layout - click to change the desktop layout to the default as defined in the software.
- Apply the startup layout - click to change the desktop layout to the state when the software starts up.
- Manage layouts
- Load a saved layout - click to open the Restore Desktop Layout dialog to load an existing layout file.
- Save the current layout - click to open the Save Desktop Layout dialog to save the current desktop layout. The saved file type is *.TLT.