Parameter Options for a Project in Altium NEXUS
Created: 八月 17, 2017 | Updated: 三月 06, 2024
| Applies to versions: 1.0 and 1.1
您正在阅读的是 1.0. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 Parameter Options for a Project in Altium NEXUS 阅读 4 版本
The Parameters tab of the Project Options dialog
This tab of the Project Options dialog enables you to manage parameters defined for the project, often referred to as project-level parameters. Parameters defined at the project level are available for use across all schematic sheets and PCB documents in the project through the use of special strings (=<ProjectParameterName> on a schematic and .<ProjectParameterName> on a PCB).
This is one of multiple tabs available when configuring the options for a project – accessed from within the Project Options dialog. This dialog is accessed by:
- From the PCB or schematic editor click Project » Project Options.
- Right-click on the project name on the Projects panel then click Project Options from the context menu.
- Parameters Grid - the main region of the tab lists all of the parameters currently defined for the project, in terms of:
- Name - the name of the parameter.
- Value - the value of the parameter.
- Add - click this button to add a new parameter to the list in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Remove - click this button to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list of parameters.
- Edit - click this button to modify the currently selected parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog.
Right-Click Menu
The following commands are available on the right-click menu:
- Edit - use this command to modify the currently selected parameter in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Add - use this command to add a new parameter to the list in the Parameter Properties dialog.
- Remove - use this command to delete the selected parameter(s) from the list.
- Copy - use this command to copy the selected parameter(s) to the Windows clipboard.
- Paste - use this command to paste parameter(s) on the Windows clipboard into the parameters list.