Make Available on Server
The Make Available On Server dialog
The Make Available On Server dialog is used to convert a local project (regular project, or a project currently under version control) project into a Workspace project, which is then stored in a repository of the connected Concord Pro Workspace. You can easily access, open, edit, and save project documents in a transparent way – with modified files being checked in whenever you run the Save command.
The Make Available On Server dialog is used to convert a local project (regular project, or a project currently under version control) project into a Workspace project, which is then stored in a repository of the connected NEXUS Server Workspace. You can easily access, open, edit, and save project documents in a transparent way – with modified files being checked in whenever you run the Save command.
To access this dialog, right-click on a project in the Projects panel that has not yet been added to the Workspace, then select Make Project Available on Server from the context menu.
Simple Mode
- Project Name – the name of the project.
- Description – enter the desired description of the project.
- Advanced – click to access the Advanced/Simple version of the dialog.
Advanced Mode
- Folder – click the
to open the Choose Folder dialog, which itself is a trimmed down version of the Explorer panel, where you may filter through various Workspace folders. Select the folder in which you'd like the project to reside, then click OK.