Sch_Dlg-SchPrefsForm_OrcadSchematic - OrCAD (TM) _AD

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The Schematic - Orcad™ page of the Preferences dialog.
The Schematic - Orcad™ page of the Preferences dialog.


 The Schematic – Orcad™ page of the Preferences dialog provides controls and information related to Orcad import settings.


 The Schematic – Orcad™  page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Orcad™ entry under the Schematic folder, in the left-hand pane of the dialog.


  • Copy Footprint From To - This field contains the footprint mapping information used when importing OrCAD schematic sheets. Select an option from the dropdown list that corresponds to the component part field used in the OrCAD sheet to hold the component footprint reference. Choosing Ignore from the list will cause the importer to ignore OrCAD component footprint information.
  • Mimic Orcad Ports -  Enable this option to prevent ports from being re-sized in the Schematic Editor. This is important if the design has to go back to Orcad™ (which does not support re-sizing ports).
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