Parent page: ImporterManager Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Run Import Wizard
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to run the Import Wizard, which will help you convert your design files from other vendors to Altium Designer files.
This command can be accessed from most editors by choosing the File » Import Wizard command, from the main menus.
After launching the command, the Import Wizard appears. The wizard walks you through the import process, handling both the schematic and PCB parts of the project, as well as managing the relationship between them. Follow the Wizard's intuitive pages to import your non-Altium Designer design files and/or libraries.
The Wizard supports import of the following types of files:
- Protel 99SE DDB Files - 99SE DDB (*.ddb).
- Cadence® Allegro® Design Files - Allegro binary PCB (*.brd), Allegro ASCII PCB (*.alg).
- Zuken® CADSTAR® Designs and Libraries - CADSTAR Schematic Archive (*.csa), CADSTAR PCB Archive (*.cpa), CADSTAR Part Library (*.lib).
- CircuitMaker 2000 Schematics and Libraries - CircuitMaker Schematics (*.ckt), CircuitMaker User Libraries (*.lib), CircuitMaker Device Libraries (*.lib).
- Mentor Graphics® DxDesigner® Designs and Libraries - DxDesigner Designs, DxDesigner Libraries.
- CadSoft® EAGLE™ Projects and Designs - EAGLE Schematic Design Archive (*.sch), EAGLE PCB Design Archive (*.brd), EAGLE Library files (*.lbr).
- Mentor Graphics® Expedition® Designs and Libraries - Mentor Expedition files (*.pcb, *.lib).
- Mentor Graphics® Xpedition® xDX Designer® Projects and Designs - Mentor xDX Designer files (*.prj).
- Cadence® OrCAD® Designs and Libraries - OrCAD Capture Designs (*.dsn), OrCAD Layout PCB documents (*.max), OrCAD Capture Libraries (*.olb), and OrCAD PCB Libraries (*.llb).
- Cadence® OrCAD® CIS Configuration Files and Libraries - OrCAD CIS Configuration file (*.dbc) and OrCAD Library files (*.llb, *.olb).
- Mentor Graphics® PADS® Layout and PADS® Logic Designs and Libraries - PADS Layout ASCII Design files (*.asc), PADS Layout ASCII Decal Libraries (*.d), PADS Logic ASCII Design files (*.txt), PADS Logic ASCII CAE Decal Libraries (*.c), PADS Logic ASCII Part Type Libraries (*.p).
- Cadence® OrCAD® and Mentor Graphics® PADS® Designs and Libraries - OrCAD Capture files (*.dsn), OrCAD Schematic Library files (*.olb), PADS Logic ASCII Design files (*.txt), PADS Layout ASCII Decal Libraries (*.d), PADS Logic ASCII CAE Decal Libraries (*.c), PADS Logic ASCII Part Type Libraries (*.p).
- P-CAD Designs and Libraries - P-CAD V16 or V17 Binary Schematic design files (*.sch), P-CAD V16 or V17 ASCII Schematic design files (*.sch), P-CAD V15, V16, or V17 Binary PCB design files (*.pcb), P-CAD V15, V16, or V17 ASCII PCB design files (*.pcb), P-CAD V16 or V17 Binary Library files (*.lib), P-CAD V16 or V17 ASCII Library files (*.lia).
- Zuken® CR5000® Design Files - Zuken CR5000 PCF files (*.pcf), Zuken CR5000 FTF files (*.ftf), Zuken CR5000 eds FILES (*.eds).
For more detailed information, refer to the applicable pages available in the
Interfacing to other Design Tools area of the documentation. This parent page for the area is also where you'll find information about supported versions.
- To make use of the majority of importer/exporter technologies available in Altium Designer, you must install the relevant functionality, as part of the Altium Designer Platform itself. The core design functionality for your installation can be modified at any time after installation, and directly from within the Extensions & Updates view (click on the
control at the top-right of the workspace and choose Extensions and Updates from the menu). From the Installed page, click the Configure control at the top-right to access the Configure Platform page, presenting the core feature set for the software, and identical in content to that found on the Select Design Functionality page of the Altium Designer Installer. Enable the required functionality in the Importers\Exporters region of this page, then click Apply. You will need to restart Altium Designer for the changes to take effect.
- Support for the transfer of binary format designs captured using Mentor Graphics® Xpedition® xDX Designer®, requires the xDX Designer Importer extension (a Software Extension) to be installed as part of your Altium Designer installation. This extension can be found on the Purchased tab of the Extensions & Updates view. Restart Altium Designer once the extension has been successfully downloaded and installed.
- Support for the import of Zuken® CR5000® design files requires the Zuken CR5000 Importer extension (a Software Extension) to be installed as part of your Altium Designer installation. This extension can be found on the Purchased tab of the Extensions & Updates view. Restart Altium Designer once the extension has been successfully downloaded and installed.