Parent page: LibraryMigrator Commands
The content of this page is applicable only to Altium Designer version 21. To select a previous version, use the version selector at the top of the navigation tree at the left.
For information about importing your existing libraries to a Workspace in Altium Designer 22 and above, see Importing Existing Libraries to Your Connected Workspace.
The content of this page is applicable only to Altium NEXUS version 4. To select a previous version, use the version selector at the top of the navigation tree at the left.
For information about importing your existing libraries to a Workspace in Altium NEXUS 5 and above, see Importing Existing Libraries to Your Connected Workspace.
The following pre-packaged resources, derived from this base command, are available:
Migrate Library
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to migrate your existing library to a managed content server.
For information regarding the
Library Migrator, click
This command can be accessed when you are signed in to a server in the following ways:
- Selecting Tools » Migrate Library in the Schematic Library Editor and PCB Library Editor.
- Selecting File » Migrate Library or Tools » Migrate Library in the Database Library Editor.
The Library Migrator can be accessed only provided the
Library Migrator extension is installed as part of your Altium Designer installation. This extension is installed by default when installing the software. In case of inadvertent uninstall, it can be found on the
Purchased tab of the
Extensions & Updates page (accessed by clicking on the

control at the top-right of the workspace then choosing the
Extensions and Updates command from the menu).
You can also access the Library Migrator from the
Components panel by selecting a file-based library from the drop-down at the top of the panel and choosing the
Migrate Library option from the

After launching the command, the Library Migrator (Simple Migration) dialog will open in which you can specify to immediately migrate the selected library by clicking the
button. The Library Migrator (Simple Migration) dialog will use the default migration settings based on the source library.
Click the

button to customize the migration in the
Library Migrator's full GUI mode.
The results of the library migration, as newly created managed components, can be seen in both the
Explorer and
Components panels.