PCB_Dlg-ArrangeRoomsArrange Rooms_AD
This document is no longer available beyond version 22. Information can now be found here: Arranging Rooms for version 25
The Arrange Rooms dialog
The Arrange Rooms dialog allows you to easily arrange the locations of Rooms.
Select the Rooms you want arrange then click Design » Rooms » Arrange Rooms.
- Columns - displays the current number of columns used to place the rooms. Edit this field to change the number of columns.
- Rows - displays the current number of rows used to place the rooms. Edit this field to change the number of rows.
- SortBy - displays the current sort order, i.e., the criteria used to distinguish the first room from the next, and so on. Click to view and select a sort criteria from the list. The available options are:
- Channel Name - sorts the rooms alpha-numerically by their name.
- Room Area - sorts the rooms by their area.
- Room Component Count - sorts the rooms by the number of components they contain.
- Room Width - sorts the rooms by their X (horizontal) size.
Room Height - sorts the rooms by their Y (vertical) size.
- Sort in Ascending order - enable to sort the rooms in ascending (smallest to largest) order according to the SortBy criteria.
- Origin X - displays the current X (horizontal) coordinate in relation to the origin from where to start placing the rooms. Edit this field to change the X coordinate, which can be defined in either mm or mil units. To specify the units when entering a number, add the mm or mil suffix to the value. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Properties panel and are used if no units are specified.
Origin Y - displays the current Y (vertical) coordinate in relation to the origin from where to start placing the rooms. Edit this field to change the Y coordinate, which can be defined in either mm or mil units. To specify the units when entering a number, add the mm or mil suffix to the value. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Properties panel and are used if no units are specified.
- Select Origin Using Mouse - enable to manually set the origin for the room arrangement using the cursor.
- X-Spacing - displays the current X (horizontal) distance to leave between adjacent rooms. Edit this field to change the distance, which can be defined in either mm or mil units. To specify the units when entering a number, add the mm or mil suffix to the value. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Properties panel and are used if no units are specified.
Y-Spacing - displays the current Y (vertical) distance to leave between adjacent rooms. Edit this field to change the distance, which can be defined in either mm or mil units. To specify the units when entering a number, add the mm or mil suffix to the value. Default units (metric or imperial) are determined by the Units setting in the Properties panel and are used if no units are specified.
- Auto Spacing - enable to have the rooms arranged with equal X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) spacing.
- Place On Grid - enable to force the rooms to arrange in alignment with the PCB document grid.