Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to place the last content cut/copied to the PcbDrawing Editor's clipboard, into any open Draftsman document (*.PCBDwf).
For a high-level look at how the Altium Draftsman Drawing System provides an interactive approach to the creation of production documentation for your PCBs, see
With one or more objects already available on the clipboard, this command can be accessed from the PcbDrawing Editor by:
Choosing the Edit » Paste command from the main menus.
Clicking the
button on the Drawing Document Standard toolbar.
Using the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut.
Right-clicking in the workspace and choosing the Paste command from the context menu.
First, ensure that the Draftsman document (*.PCBDwf) into which you wish to paste the clipboard content, is open as the active document in the main design window. If the target document has multiple sheets (pages), also ensure that the specific sheet to receive the content, is the current sheet. This is done by clicking within the sheet - verify you have the right sheet, by using the information in the Status Bar.
After launching the command, the latest clipboard content will be pasted into the active sheet of the document.
When using the keyboard shortcut to access the command, the content is pasted so that it is centered around the cursor's location. When using all other methods of access, the content is pasted around the center of the active/current sheet.
The software does not use the Windows clipboard for normal copy, cut and paste operations in Draftsman documents. Instead, a separate internal clipboard is maintained for this document type. Also, the internal Draftsman clipboard is entirely independent of the internal clipboards used by any other editors in the software. You can only copy, cut and paste between, or within, Draftsman documents.