Working with the SMD To Corner Design Rule on a PCB in Altium NEXUS
Rule category: SMT
Rule classification: Unary
This rule specifies the minimum distance from the edge of a surface mount pad to the first routing corner.
Default constraints for the SMD To Corner rule.
- Distance - the value for the minimum permissible distance from the SMD pad edge to the start of the first routing corner.
How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved
All rules are resolved by the priority setting. The system goes through the rules from highest to lowest priority and picks the first one whose scope expression matches the object(s) being checked.
Rule Application
Online DRC and Batch DRC, as well as the interactive router. The interactive router will obey this rule by maintaining a straight pad exit trace emanating from the pad center on any allowed "entry angle" (see SMD Entry rule), at least to the distance specified.
The SMD to Corner rule defines the distance to the first corner. Use the SMD Entry rule to specify where the route is allowed to enter
(or exit) the SMD pad.