Свойства Callout
Created: октября 18, 2019 | Updated: апреля 09, 2021
| Applies to versions: 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
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Parent page: Callout
Draftsman object properties are definable options that specify the visual style, content and behavior of the placed object. The property settings for each type of object are defined in two different ways:
- Pre-placement settings – most Callout object properties, or those that can logically be pre-defined, are available as editable default settings on the Draftsman - Defaults page of the Preferences dialog (access from the
button at the top-right of the design space). Select the object in the Primitive List to reveal its options on the right.
- Post-placement settings – all Callout object properties are available for editing in the Properties panel when a placed Callout is selected in the design space.
The Circle object default settings in the Preferences dialog and the Circle mode of the Properties pane
- Line Style – the thickness and style of the Callout pointer line and elbow. Use the line weight drop-down menu to choose from a range of line thickness presets and the line pattern menu to choose from a range of line styles. The associated color button (
) opens the color selector where the line color can be specified by RGB or HEX value, by freeform selection, or from a range of presets. Note that the slider control sets the color Opacity level, where 0% represents full transparency.
Arrow Style
- Head Style – select the drop-down to choose from a range of preset pointer styles (headers).
- Width – the width of the target pointer head, such as an arrow. This setting also defines the diameter of a round head style.
- Length – the length of the pointer head, such as an arrow.
- Symbol – Select a Soldering or Gluing symbol (as defined by GOST
) from the drop-down menu to add that mechanical attachment indicator to the Callout pointer line. . See example
The Symbols and options are defined as follows:
Gluing – indicates mechanical joint areas for gluing.
Soldering – indicates mechanical joint areas for soldering.
Processing of the contour option – check when a glue or solder joint seam is to be made in a closed area. Places a circle symbol at the end or elbow of the Callout line.
- Source Text (Properties panel only) – use the drop-down menu to specify the data source that is used to generate the Callout text string (tag).
Custom Text
– the Callout text will be the string entered in the associated Custom Text field.Note Item
– the Callout text is a reference to a Note Item entry that exists in the current drawing. Use the resulting Note Item drop-down menu to select the item (row) number in the Note object.BOM Item
– the Callout text will refer to the BOM entry number reference for the targeted (attached) component. This source option applies when a Callout is attached to a component.Component Parameter
– the Callout text will be a Parameter value that is available from the attached component (such asDescription
, etc), as selected from the resulting Parameter drop-down menu.Board Region
– the Callout text will be the name of the underlying Board Region when the Callout has been placed on a Board Region View.
- Border (Properties panel only) – use the drop-down menu to choose the graphic shape style at the end of the Callout line (circle, square, etc.), which will automatically expand to accommodate the accompanying text tag string. The associated color button (
) opens the color selector where the fill color of the end shape (that surrounds the text tag) can be specified by RGB or HEX value, by freeform selection, or from a range of presets. Note that the slider control sets the color Opacity level, where 0% represents full transparency.
- Line Style (Properties panel only) – the thickness and style of the Callout end shape's Border line (outline). Use the line weight drop-down menu to choose from a range of line thickness presets and the line pattern menu to choose from a range of line styles. The associated color button (
) opens the color selector where the line color can be specified by RGB or HEX value, by freeform selection, or from a range of presets. Note that the slider control sets the color Opacity level, where 0% represents full transparency.
- Elbow Style – use the drop-down menu to specify or disable the horizontal line (elbow) attached to the end of the Callout line. The Callout text tag and its border are attached to the elbow.
- Elbow Length – set the horizontal length of the elbow.
- Elbow Position – set the elbow and text tag to project to the left or right of the Callout line.
- Use Document Font checkbox selected – the font used for the text tag is that defined by the document options. See the Document Font entry in the General region of the Properties panel when in Document Options mode.
- Use Document Font not selected – use the Font drop-down menus to choose the desired font type and size and select the lower buttons to enable text attributes. The associated color button (
) opens the color selector where the font color can be specified by RGB or HEX value, by freeform selection, or from a range of presets. Note that the slider control sets the color Opacity level, where 0% represents full transparency.