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Parent page: PCB Query Functions - Membership Checks


Returns all objects whose reference point is within the named Board Region.


InLayerStackRegion(RegionName1 : String,RegionName2 : String,...,RegionNamen : String) : Boolean/Boolean_String

Example Usage

InLayerStackRegion('Region1') = True
InLayerStackRegion('Region1') = 'True'

Returns all objects whose reference point is within the Board Region whose Name property is Region1.

InLayerStackRegion('Region1','Region2') = True
InLayerStackRegion('Region1','Region2') = 'True'

Returns all objects whose reference point is within the Board Region whose Name property is Region1, or the Board Region whose Name property is Region2.

Not InLayerStackRegion('Region2')
InLayerStackRegion('Region2') = False
InLayerStackRegion('Region2') = 'False'

Returns all objects except objects whose reference point is within the Board Region whose Name property is Region2.


  1. The single quote characters (') at the start and end of the RegionName string are mandatory.
  2. The reference point for each object kind varies, but is normally the X/Y location shown in the Properties panel. For example, for a pad or via it is the center; for a track it is the left vertex; for a string it is the bottom left corner. A component will be returned if its reference point is within the Board Region, if the reference point is not within the Board Region the query is applied to the individual primitive objects within the component.
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