WorkspaceManager_Dlg-LibrarySplittingLibrary Splitting_AD
Created: 九月 23, 2019 | Updated: 二月 26, 2020
| Applies to versions: 20.0, 20.1 and 20.2
您正在阅读的是 20.0. 版本。关于最新版本,请前往 WorkspaceManager_Dlg-LibrarySplitting((Library Splitting))_AD 阅读 21 版本
The Library Splitting dialog
The Library Splitting dialog provides controls to set custom library grouping options for uncategorized components based on designator mapping by the component types and parameter-based splitting.
This dialog is accessed in the following ways:
- Click the Library Splitting button in the Library Migrator when the file-based integrated library (.IntLib) is selected from the Source Libraries region.
- Click the Library Splitting button in the Library Migrator when the schematic library (.SchLib) is selected from the Source Libraries region.
- Parameter Grouping - enable this option to split components by parameter values. The drop-down lists all of the available parameters.
- Custom Designator Mapping - enable this option for designator mapping by the component type.
- Component Type - click to select the desired component type option from the drop-down.
- Designators - click to select the correct designator string option for the uncategorized components from the drop-down.
- Add - click this button to create a new mapping entry.
- click this button to remove the selected mapping entry.
- Update - click this button to apply the Library Splitting configuration.