VaultExplorer_Dlg-Plugins_AdvancedSearch_Wpf_Views_SearchEditDialogViewNew Search, Edit Saved Search_AD
Created: 11月 09, 2017 | Updated: 5月 02, 2018
| Applies to versions: 18.0, 18.1, 19.0 and 19.1
現在、バージョン 21. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン VaultExplorer_Dlg-Plugins_AdvancedSearch_Wpf_Views_SearchEditDialogView((New Search, Edit Saved Search))_AD の 22 をご覧ください。
The two variations of the New Search, Edit Saved Search dialog
The New Search, Edit Saved Search dialog is used to create and save a search or edit an existing search in a managed content server.
The dialog is accessed from the Explorer panel in the following ways:
- To access the New Search version to create a new search, right-click in the Saved Searches region on the Search tab then select New from the context menu.
- To access the Edit Saved Search version to edit an existing search, right-click on a saved search in the Saved Searches region on the Search tab then select Edit from the context menu.
- Saved Search Name - use this field to give the search a meaningful name (e.g., Resistor).
- Shortcut - use this field to define an optional keyboard shortcut for quick access to the search. To populate the field, click in the field then perform the shortcut on the keyboard.
- Component Types - use the drop-down to choose the specific component types to be targeted in the search. All supported types are listed and any number of types can be enabled.
- Parameters - this region lists parameters that are available in the search. Initially, all detected parameters across all component types are listed. Once the Component Types field has been defined, only those parameters detected for the enabled component type(s) will be listed. For each parameter, the following fields are available:
- Show Filter - enable to show a corresponding filter field for the parameter above the Search Results region on the Search tab. It is through such a field that you can fine tune your searches based on value criteria stipulated for that parameter.
- Default Visibility - enable to have a column for the parameter presented by default in the Search Results region on the Search tab. Columns for parametric data can be hidden or made visible at any stage directly from the view.
- Parameter - the name of the parameter. This could be a system parameter or a user parameter. Remember that in order to use range searches, parameters must be defined through an assigned component template and be unit-aware (of a specific data type).
- Type - the data type for the parameter. For ranged searches, the parameter should be set to a unit-aware data type. This can be done only through a component template that is then assigned to the component library prior to releasing the component definitions.
- Default Value - use this field to constrain use of a parameter to a particular value or range (if the parameter is a unit-aware data type).
- Public - enable (check) this option to allow any user of the managed content server to see and use your saved search. If you want the search private to only you, disable (uncheck) this option.
- Add/Save- click to add/save the defined search. The search will be saved as an entry under Generic Search in the Saved Searches region of the Explorer panel.