Sch_Dlg-SchParameterPropertiesFormParameter Properties (SCH) _AD
This document is no longer available beyond version 18.0. Information can now be found here: Parameter Properties for version 25
The Parameter Properties dialog
This dialog allows you to specify the properties of a Parameter object. Parameters can be added in a variety of places to provide additional information. For example, parameters at the local document level can be used as the source for special string parametric data to be added to schematic sheets - most notably as part of the title block in a schematic template. Parameters can also be added to specific design objects, such as components, sheet symbols, ports, and pins. These can be both standard parameters that give additional useful information local to the object, or rule-based parameters. The latter enables design constraints to be specified on the schematic side, which will translate into PCB design rules with appropriate scope once the design is passed to the PCB document.
The Parameter Properties dialog can be accessed from the schematic editor by clicking the Add, Edit, or Add as Rule button on the Parameters tab of the Pin Properties dialog (click the Edit button in the Component Pin Editor dialog).
- Name - use this field to give a standard (non-rule) parameter a meaningful name reflective of its purpose.
- Visible - enable this option to have the parameter's name displayed on the schematic.
- Lock - enable this option to prevent editing of the parameter's name.
- Value - use this field to give a standard (non-rule) parameter its value. For a rule-type parameter, this entry will initially be Undefined. The value can only be set/modified by defining the constraints of the chosen rule type. This is done by clicking the Edit Rule Values button.
- Visible - enable this option to have the parameter's value displayed on the schematic.
- Lock - enable this option to prevent editing of the parameter's value.
- Edit Rule Values - this button is only available for a parameter that has been added as a rule. If the value for the parameter is currently Undefined, click this button to open the Choose Design Rule Type dialog. Choose the required rule then use the subsequent Edit PCB Rule (From Schematic) dialog to define its constraints. Once the rule is defined, subsequently clicking this button will access the latter dialog directly.
- Location X/Y - the current X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates for the bottom-left corner of the parameter's bounding rectangle. Edit these values to change the position of the parameter in the horizontal and/or vertical planes.
- Color - click the color sample to change the color used for the parameter (both for its name and value) using the standard Choose Color dialog.
- Type - the type of parameter, which determines the valid entries that can be used for its value. Available types are: STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, and FLOAT. For a rule-type parameter, this entry is always STRING.
- Font - this control serves two purposes: it reflects the currently chosen font – applied to the text for the parameter's name and value - in terms of Font Name, Font Size and Font Style, and when clicked, it provides access to the standard Font dialog, from where you can change the font as required.
- Locked - enable this option to protect the parameter from being edited graphically.
- Unique ID - the current unique identifier for the parameter. The Unique ID (UID) is a system-generated value that uniquely identifies this current parameter. A new UID value can be entered directly into this field.
- Reset - click this button to have the system generate a new UID for the parameter.
- Orientation - specify the orientation of the parameter, counterclockwise in relation to the horizontal. Options available are: 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees.
- Autoposition - this option is meaningful only for a component parameter. Enable it to have visible parameters positioned automatically every time the associated component is rotated. Disable this option to take manual control over parameter placement. The parameter will have a dot appear at its bottom-left corner to distinguish it as being a manual parameter.
- Justification - use the two buttons associated with this field to specify how the parameter is to be vertically (left button) and horizontally (right button) justified. This will depend on its current Orientation and Location X/Y.
- Vertical Justification - the following justification options are available, using a visible parameter with 0 degrees orientation as an example:
- Top - the top edge of the parameter's bounding rectangle is against the Y = Location Y line.
- Center - the parameter's bounding rectangle is centered across the Y = Location Y line.
- Bottom - the bottom edge of the parameter's bounding rectangle is against the Y = Location Y line.
- Horizontal Justification - the following justification options are available, using a visible parameter with 0 degrees orientation as an example:
- Left - the left edge of the parameter's bounding rectangle is against the X = Location X line.
- Center - the parameter's bounding rectangle is centered across the X = Location X line.
- Right - the right edge of the parameter's bounding rectangle is against the X = Location X line.
- Vertical Justification - the following justification options are available, using a visible parameter with 0 degrees orientation as an example:
- Allow Synchronization With Database - this option is meaningful only for a component parameter. Enable it to maintain synchronicity with the parameter in the corresponding component record in the relevant linked database. If there is a change to the parameter in the database, an update of the schematics from that database will bring the change into the parameter of the placed component instance.
- Allow Synchronization With Library - this option is meaningful only for a component parameter. Enable it to maintain synchronicity with the parameter in the corresponding component in the relevant source library. If there is a change to the parameter in the source, an update of the schematics from that source will bring the change into the parameter of the placed component instance.