Altium Designer® vs. SOLIDWORKS® PCB
The Ultimate Comparison Guide

Compare Altium Designer® vs. SOLIDWORKS® PCB

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Provides advanced product design, collaboration, and PCB design tools required by large teams or professionals designing complex devices, yet easy to use for new designers and students.


PCB design software that’s integrated with SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD and built on a limited version of the core Altium Designer engine (product is end-of-life, final SP release 11/2022). Learn More

Schematic Capture

Schematic sheet limits



Hierarchical schematic capture with integrated analog mixed-signal simulation

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Built-in SPICE simulator with model library and migration support for LTSpice/PSpice


Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

PCB Layout

Board size limits

100 in. by 100 in.

100 in. by 100 in.

Signal and plane layer limits

32 signal + 16 plane + unlimited mechanical

32 signal + 16 plane + unlimited mechanical

Rules-driven design for modern PCB (HDI, Rigid-flex, and Multiboard)

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Advanced interactive routing features with built-in signal integrity tools

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

High speed design and rigid-flex design features included in standard license

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Variant management tools for complex projects

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Realistic layer stacks and a modern field solver for accurate impedances

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Parts placement and routing in 3D

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Photo-realistic 3D viewer with real-time clearance checking

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Visual DC power distribution analysis in the PCB layout

Requires additional Power Analyzer license

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Library Management & Sourcing

Built-in BOM management with real-time supply chain

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Unified libraries with symbols, footprints, simulation models, and distributor links

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Access to models, parameters, and lifecycle data for millions of components

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Management of lifecycles, in-design validation, templates, and where-used for libraries

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Advanced component data from IHS Markit®

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Library health dashboard to monitor validity, quality, and risk issues

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Outputs & Manufacturing

Built-in fabrication and assembly drawing generation tools

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Intuitive interface for manufacturing output creation

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Quickly generate ECOs, reports, and documentation

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Customizable document templates for drawings

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Centralized management for manufacturing packages and communications

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Share and view Gerbers, ODB++ files, and assembly steps in a browser

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Product Design

Support for multi-board systems and assemblies

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Multi-board 3D product viewer from any web browser

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Multi-board mechanical integration for SOLIDWORKS® 2020, 2021, and 2022

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Built-in harness design tools

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS Electrical)

Cloud Services

View and share renders of design files on any device with a web browser

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Version control, templates, and component libraries stored in the cloud

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Built-in task management and commenting for design files and BOMs

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Managed design reuse for schematics, layer stacks, and design templates

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Project history for every change made to a design

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Platform Integrations

Integration with MCAD applications including SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo® Parametric, Autodesk Inventor®, Autodesk® Fusion 360, and Siemens NX

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

SolidWorks only

Advanced integration with SOLIDWORKS® for MCAD component placement, copper geometry, enclosure exchange, and multi-board/rigid-flex sync

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

PLM integration with Arena® PLM, PTC Windchill, Aras PLM, Oracle Agile PLM, and Teamcenter®

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Multiple importer utilities to convert files from other ECAD platforms

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Workflows & Processes

Configurable lifecycle management for design data and components

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Managed workflows for part requests, design reviews, project creation/release, and lifecycle approvals

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

User, role, and group management with support for Single Sign-On (SSO)

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Change notifications and change conflict prevention for design documents

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Centralized control over design environments, document templates, and output files for every team member

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Requires additional Dassault product (SOLIDWORKS PDM)

Maintenance & Support

Current version

Monthly releases since Nov 2021 (active since 2000, formerly Protel 1985-2000)

SOLIDWORKS 2023 SP3 (Released January 2023, product support ends August 14, 2023)

Backwards compatible with files from all previous releases

Supported in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

On-demand training courses, knowledge base, and community forums

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Live chat and support tickets

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Dedicated customer success manager check-ins and onboarding

Requires an Altium Designer Subscription

Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

Supported Platforms

Windows 10 and newer

Supported in Altium Designer
Supported in SOLIDWORKS® PCB

MacOS 10.15 and newer

Not Available in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB


Not Available in Altium Designer
Not Available in SOLIDWORKS® PCB



Starting at USD 355 / month

End of life

Time-based subscription

Supported in Altium Designer

End of life

Perpetual License options

Supported in Altium Designer

End of life

Multiple Subscription options

Supported in Altium Designer

End of life

Altium Has Been Enabling Engineers
To Unify Their Design Environment Since 1985

  • Unify your entire PCB design environment via one platform
  • Enjoy the #1 PCB design solution in the world
  • Interact and collaborate with mechanical designers like never before
  • Access high speed design tools not found in free PCB design software
  • Control your supply chain: access real-time data from distributors as you pick parts
  • Route it your way, faster than ever
  • It’s easy to convert projects from other software into Altium’s file format
  • Altium Designer sees the highest demand by employers and industry leaders
  • A complete toolset helps users take products from concept to high-volume production
  • Altium’s design features are the most intuitive and easiest-to-use
  • Individual engineers and large enterprises look to Altium to help them stay at the cutting edge of technology.

Trusted by over 20,000 companies, including

About Altium

Since 1985, we have been developing, creating and selling award-winning electronic design tools (software and hardware) that help electronics designers harness the latest devices and technologies, manage their projects across broad design ‘ecosystems’, and create connected, intelligent designs.

Leader-Winter-2025_bw Leader-Enterprise-Winter-2025_bw Momentum-Leader-Winter-2025_bw best-pcb-software

Why Choose Altium Designer?

Now that SOLIDWORKS PCB is going end-of-life, users will need to find a new design platform that is compatible with their design data. SOLIDWORKS PCB was originally built on the Altium Designer engine, but with a trimmed down feature set. Ever since the original SOLIDWORKS PCB release, Altium Designer’s toolset has continued to expand with a major focus on ease of use and productivity. Today, Altium Designer has grown to become the industry standard, with a toolset that sets the bar for other PCB design software vendors.

Altium’s mission is to enable teams to design and build advanced electronics with maximum efficiency in a single application. Altium Designer was built with the need of professional designers in mind while also enabling advanced designs and application areas. With a complete set of design and automation features in a single application, users are ready to quickly design simple parts or advanced electronic assemblies from day one.

Support for SOLIDWORKS PCB may be ending, but users will still be able to access and edit all of their design data inside of Altium Designer without a complex migration process.

Industry-standard capabilities like instant manufacturing output generation, CAM tools, a layer stack editor with integrated field solver, high-speed analysis features, and many powerful extensions are included in Altium Designer. Large teams and experienced professionals trust the powerful interface and complete set of design tools in Altium Designer for their projects:

  • Comprehensive multichannel, hierarchical schematic capture that supports multi-board assemblies
  • A mixed signal simulation SPICE engine with IBIS model support
  • The schematic editor gives with access to verified component models and supplier information
  • A built-in field solver for highly accurate impedance calculations inside the Layer Stack Manager
  • Altium Designer’s PCB routing tools provide powerful automation while still being easy to use
  • Access real-time sourcing data and CAD models for your components in your PCB libraries
  • Collaborate with your team and share design data through the Altium 365® platform

Don’t lose access to your SOLIDWORKS PCB data or take the migration route with another CAD vendor. Level up your design experience and maintain access to your design data with Altium Designer. Users get access to the same set of features they enjoy in SOLIDWORKS PCB, but with powerful new additions that enable more advanced designs with faster, more accurate project completion.


Switching from SOLIDWORKS PCB to Altium Designer?

Current SOLIDWORKS PCB users are already prepared to make the switch to Altium Designer. Migration into Altium Designer is simple: just open your existing SOLIDWORKS PCB files in a new Altium project. There is no data loss or cleanup needed because SOLIDWORKS PCB files and parts are already native Altium formats. Users can immediately start updating their old files with Altium Designer’s industry-standard design tools.

Keep yourself and your team competitive: invest in the industry’s best PCB design software package with advanced layout and project management features. Get access to the easiest-to-use and most powerful design software by making the switch to Altium Designer.

* SOLIDWORKS® PCB, SOLIDWORKS® and logo are registered trademarks owned by Dassault Systems SolidWorks Corporation.


Try Altium Designer Today!

#1 in Electronics Design