Choose PCB to Use
Created: January 13, 2023 | Updated: January 13, 2023
| Applies to version: 21
Now reading version 22. For the latest, read: Choose PCB to Use for version 21
The Choose PCB to Use dialog
The Choose PCB to Use dialog is used to select which PCB parameters are to be made available in an ActiveBOM when a PCB project includes more than one PCB file.
The dialog is accessed by clicking in the Sources region on the Columns tab of the ActiveBOM Properties panel.
- PCB Files - this is a list of all PCB files detected in the current PCB project. Select the PCB to use then click OK. The following PCB-specific parameters will be extracted from that PCB and presented in the Columns list, ready to be included in ActiveBOM.
- Center-X (Mil) - geometric center of the component
- Center-Y (Mil)
- Center-X (mm)
- Center-Y (mm)
- Layer
- Pad-X (Mil) - location of Pad 1
- Pad-Y (Mil)
- Pad-X (mm)
- Pad-Y (mm)
- Ref-X (Mil) - location of component reference point (as defined in the PCB library editor)
- Ref-Y (Mil)
- Ref-X (mm)
- Ref-Y (mm)
- Rotation