Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to run the PDN Analyzer with which you can analyze a board design's DC performance based on its electrical and physical properties. The PDN Analyzer integrates directly with Altium Designer to allow PI-DC simulation and analysis of the current PCB project. Since the PDN Analyzer functions within Altium Designer there are no manual data import/export requirements, data conversions or separate applications to be run – simply start the PDN Analyzer from the Schematic or PCB editor, set the desired test parameters and run the simulation. The results are primarily delivered through 2D/3D modeling of the circuit board copper layout, allowing a quick assessment of the results and the opportunity to perform exploratory 'what if' testing of the PCB layout design.
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor (or Schematic Editor) by choosing Tools » PDN Analyzer from the main menus.
The command only becomes available provided the
PDN Analyzer extension, available on the
Purchased tab of the
Extensions & Updates page, has been installed. Note also that use of the PDN Analyzer requires a license. Once you have installed the
PDN Analyzer extension, head over to the
License Management view within Altium Designer (accessed by clicking on the

control at the top-right of the design space and choosing the
Licenses command from the menu). Scan through the
Available Licenses list for the
PDN Analyzer powered by CST(R) license entry and click the
Use link to activate that license.
After launching the command for the first time for the active PCB design, the PDN Analyzer DC Net Identification dialog will appear. The PDN Analyzer will attempt to identify all DC power networks from the design's net data based on common power network nomenclature. If all potential power nets have not been identified, deselect appropriate Qualifiers filter options, or to see all nets, select the Enable all nets for filtering option.
Use the Select check boxes to choose which power nets will be available to the PDNA analyzer, and enter suitable voltage levels in their matching Nominal Voltage fields. Click the Add Selected button to populate the Currently Identified DC Nets list and confirm these nets as identified power networks.
With DC Nets identified as required, clicking OK will close the dialog and open the PDN Analyzer panel - command-central for driving the analysis. The panel's GUI is arranged with an upper section devoted to file/net control and an interactive representation of the currently selected power network(s), while the lower panel section provides access to the analysis options, display settings and results data. Multiple, interconnected nets are supported by PDNA version 2, which allows the DC power integrity of an entire PCB design to be analyzed as a hierarchical structure or as individual power nets.