Match Nets
Created: May 02, 2018 | Updated: May 02, 2018
| Applies to version: 17.1
This document is no longer available beyond version 17.1. Information can now be found here: Matching the Nets and Classes for version 25
The Match Nets dialog
The Match Nets dialog allows you to manually match any unmatched schematic nets to unmatched PCB nets.
The dialog is accessed by clicking Yes in the Match Manually dialog.
- Unmatched Nets
- Unmatched Reference Objects - lists the unmatched objects. Click
to open/collapse nets to view all objects included in the listed net.
- Unmatched Target Objects - lists the target objects. Click
to open/collapse nets to view all objects included in the listed net.
- Unmatched Reference Objects - lists the unmatched objects. Click
- click to match the selected reference and target objects and move the selected object(s) from the Unmatched Nets region to the Matched Pairs region.
- click to move the selected object(s) from the Matched Pairs region to the Unmatched Nets region. This action will cause the moved objects to be unmatched.
- click to move all objects from the Matched Pairs region to the Unmatched Nets region. This action will cause the moved objects to be unmatched.
- Matched Pairs - lists the Reference Object and Target Object that are now matched.
- Continue - click to accept your matching updates and open the Engineering Change Order dialog.