Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to place an Ordinate Dimension object into the active Draftsman document (*.PCBDwf). The Ordinate Dimension object is composed of a set of linear dimension measurements that are relative to a single reference (origin) point. A set of Ordinate dimensions can be added between object outline edges and object points, on a Board Assembly View. The dimensions may also be added to a Board Section View (which is a slice, or sectional view of a Board Assembly View).
For a high-level look at how the Altium Draftsman Drawing System provides an interactive approach to the creation of production documentation for your PCBs, see
Draftsman. For detailed information about this object type, see
Ordinate Dimension.
This command can be accessed from the PcbDrawing Editor by:
- Choosing the Place » Ordinate Dimensions command from the main menus.
- Locating and using the Ordinate Dimensions command (
) on the Active Bar.
If the command has been recently used from the Active Bar, it will become the active/visible button. Where other commands are available, this is indicated by a triangle at the bottom-right corner of the button. Click and hold on the active button to access a menu of all associated commands for that grouping.
- Clicking the
entry on the Dimensions drop-down (
) of the Drawing Annotations toolbar.
- Right-clicking in the workspace and choosing the Place » Ordinate Dimensions command from the context menu.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a cross-hair to indicate dimension placement mode. Placement is made by performing the following sequence of actions:
- Hover the cursor over the drawing view until the desired point or object edge is highlighted.
- Click to select this as the first (reference) point, then move the cursor and click to set the extension position and angle.
- Continue selecting points to create the full series of Ordinate Dimensions. Click in a non-highlighted area to exit placement mode.
Ordinate Dimension points – and their associated extension lines and text – may be added or removed after placement. Select the Ordinate Dimension object and click a new highlighted point to add a dimension. Click the highlight point of an existing dimension to remove it.
- The dimension's measurement lines and text can be moved after placement (but only within its angular plane). This is most easily achieved by clicking on the dimension to select it, then clicking and dragging the measurement text.
- Most aspects of a placed dimension are available for editing through the Properties panel. If the panel is already open, simply select a placed dimension to populate the panel with its associated properties. If the panel is not open, double-click on the dimension to access it.
- Defaults for this primitive type can be defined on the Draftsman - Defaults page of the Preferences dialog.